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After the funeral 7:28pm

It was about 7:30pm when all of us Kappa students both girls and boys were in the Kappa Kitchen.

We were all at a table with all the students surrounding it.

The sittings arrangements were all jumbled up.

Noah with Millie, Millie with Jacob, Jacob with McKenzie, McKenzie with Gaten, Gaten with Maddie, Maddie with Jeremy, Jeremy with Skai, Skai would Rowan, Rowan with Lilia, Lilia with Jaeden, Jaeden with Sophia, Sophia with Wyatt, Wyatt with Stephanie, Stephanie with Jack, Jack with Sadie, Sadie with Caleb, Caleb with The Counsellor, The Counsellor with head office, Head office with Finn, Finn with Y/n, Y/n with Noah all sat around a rectangular table.

Us all students were presented with a menu from the head chief.

It wasn't really a menu but it told us what we were having for our dinner right now.

I scanned through the menu as I was admiring the choices.

After we all examined our soon to be dinner, we gave the laminated description back.

I felt a tap on my right shoulder as I turn around.

I see a smirking Finn with his hands under the table, what the heck?

"Hey Y/n, come to the bathroom with me" said Finn in a worried tone.

And as me being the caring girlfriend for him, I agreed.

Finn and I were soon to be excused by the 'head office' and went to the bathrooms together alone.

I entered the unisex bathroom with him since i assumed he was upset.

Finn began to make his way over to the bathroom and went to the sink.

He washed his face with water and I rushed over to him, was he crying?

He looked up into the mirror, but he looked fine.

"Finn?, is there something wrong?" I questioned hoping to get a proper answer.

"Y-yeah I'm fine.. why?" Finn looked up at me after drying his face with a hand towel.

"Oh nothing, why did you want me to go to the bathroom with you?"

Finn pushed me up against the wall and smashed his lips onto my neck.

He started making trade marks all across my neck while grunting.

"F-Finn, where gonna get in trouble, stop" I tried to speak out but I was to weak and he didn't listen.

He lifted off my neck and went straight for my lips..

"I couldn't wait any longer I'm sorry Y/n" he explained smashing his lips onto mine once again before I could say anything.

I couldn't stop I ended up pulling him close with his waist and kissing him more deeply..

I pulled him by his side once again as I felt a metal object, I ignored it and kept on going.

I rapped my legs around his waist as he slammed me on the bench top next to the sink, causing my head to go flying into the mirror.. he's awfully strong I must say.

He then snaked his arm to my thighs and squeezed it making me gasp.

"Finn not right now, this isn't a good time.." I admitted as Finn took me off the bench with a frown.

"Awww, I'm sorry" I added as we made are way out the bathroom.. but I stopped him.

As he went to push the door open I grabbed his shoulders back as he turned around.

I smashed my lips into his as I wanted to give him what he wanted,, I mean I felt bad cause of Chosen.. STILL.

Finn's POV
I knew it in my head she couldn't get enough of good ol Finn, She wanted more even though it was me that asked.

'You dirty bitch' I thought in my head as she began to tug on my pants.

I did as she told me too, but that's not all I took off.. (I aM sOoOo dEePlY sOrRy cHiLdReN)

She took her pregnancy tablets before just in case it came down to this..

I slid into her as she gasped so loud, making it echo through the bathroom.. that's the only bad thing.

I could hear people chocking on their food from laughter outside as they new what was happening..

I slid in and out just like a pro and Y/n sounded like it was professional..

She just kept on moaning no matter what..

After the couple where done..

Finn and I cleaned ourselves up, like usual as we became more and more close.

Finn reached for his pants only for something to fling out of it across the tiled floors and making a sharp noise..

We both turned to it as it felt like the world stopped..

It felt like everything I knew was a lie..

everything that I thought was 100% turned to 30..

Me and Finn froze looking at the object not making a single movement or sound..

What felt like love ~ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now