Your the new girl that comes to a Kappa school called 'K A D (Kappa Alpha Delta)'.
There's a serial killer on campus and you fall in love with one of the campus crushes.
You decide to leave the shit whole for safety only to leave you even more in da...
Y/n POV So It is now morning, and I slept at the 'Kappa Broz' Tower since I wanted to keep Finn some company and be a distraction from all this madness.
His small snores made a faint grin plaster across my face, he looked adorable.
"Hey Finn" I attempted to wake him up shaking him side to side.
He just groaned and changed positions.
He must be real tired from the stress of his own bud Chosen, we couldn't really sleep last night especially Finn.
I let it slide and decided to not wake the peaceful Finnie up.
I made my way back to the 'Kappa Bitches' Tower to pick out what I was going to wear today.
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I choose my outfit to be something cute but casual and not to fancy.
I had 'Chosen' a white crop top and a marble patterned skirt with a black mini purse and some jewellery to go with it.
I laid my outfit on my bed as I headed to the shower.
Time skip after the shower..
I made my way over to my bed as I put on some white matching undergarments and my outfit I chose earlier.
I made my way into the bathroom once again and put my hair in a cute high pony tail that Finn loves.
As I made my way to the kitchen table I was greeted with a menu as i saw all the other girls were their two.
We all said our good mornings and chatted about the lost of 17 year old Chosen Jacobs.
As hard as this felt we had to move on and continue with his funeral which was in two days.
Explaining the life lost to his parents had been hard, and to admit that we don't know who murdered him was even harder.
All these questions were placed on the community which meant that there were lots and lots of meetings.
But after a while I got used to the Kappa community and I was happy to call it home.
Time skip to two days later..
Today I woke up in a good yet sad mood.
In a few hours we will be paying our respects to Chosen who had recently passed away due to a murder.
We our holding the funeral here for some reason and all the Kappa students are going since we all new him in a way.
My thoughts get interrupted by someone knocking on the door..
"Come in!" I cautiously called through the door in bed.
The door was opened up to a smiling Finn in a nice black and white tuxedo.. he looked so handsome oh ma gawwwd.