Chapter 15: Training

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Sparks and tingles flew everywhere in my body.

I knew who it was.

Not saying anything, I hug him back tighter crying into his chest.

Everyone but Seth looks behind me to see Ash and River in the same state but the tears kept at bay

In a blink of an eye we are all in a group hug and I am in the middle as always.

I staying there for a good minute before trying to crawl out of everyone's embrace.

Punching the closes person next to me trying to break this group hug.

"Ow! What the fuck?" Luke hisses at me with a glare.

Death glaring Luke!

He shuts up automatically everyone is now out of the hug and is watching me.

Walking into the living room sitting on the couch resting my head in my hands crying.

I hate crying so much!

I don't even care if anyone see's me cry.

I feel a strong pair of arms pulling me in to them and hugging me tight and stroking my hair as I burry my face in to his chest knowing damn well who it was because of his scent.

A single tear drops on my forehead.

Knowing he can't keep it in any longer.

Ash buries his head in the crock of my neck as I hear his whimpers.

I feel another pair of arms rest on me also resting their head in the cock of my neck I know well that is River.

Laying there for hours slowly drifting off to sleep.

Closing my eyes and resting my head on Ash's chest I feel a blanket cover Ash, River and me then I feel a small soft kiss placed on my forehead, I didn't bother opening my eyes because I was tired.


"Mummy" I hear Axel say shaking me gently.

Instantly open my eyes to see Ash and River still sleeping next to me.

I look in front of me and see my beautiful baby boy his light brown hair laying lowly down his left side.

I move slowly so I don't wake up the boys and hug Axel tightly.

I am scared that if I ever let go I would lose him and now I have my fear back and nothing is going to stop it because people may or may not have information on us.

I kiss his forehead gently and smile at how much he has grown over the years I have missed which I regret but it was for his own safety, holding him and seeing him now gives me a funny sense that he is going to be a player just like his dad was.

"Are you alright Axel? Did they hurt you? Are you hungry?" I asked standing up and holding his hand tightly but not to tight as we walk towards the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen seeing all four boys at the table telling each other stories and laughing.

"Yes, no and yes" Axel says looking up at me with a wide smile on his face.

"They can't hurt me remember I am a big boy now I can take them down" Axel says as he straightens up his back and trying to look like a man.

"Okay big man go sit with your uncle's while I make you pancakes and ask if anyone wants some okay" I says kneeling down in front of him so I am at eye level.

"Okay mummy" Axel replies giving me a kiss on the cheek then running over to Alex.

I watch him as he runs and jumps onto Alex's lap and waves to the rest of the boys who just laugh at Axel waving at him.

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