Chapter Thirteen Learn To Save Myself

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Bring me back to life- Nightcore

     I felt numb. Dull. I felt like I was nothing, I felt nothing. I didn't feel pain, I didn't feel anything when they were rushing around trying to get me to the medical room. I didn't feel their hands touching me, feeling my temperature, pressing down on my stomach trying to stop the bleeding. Every part of my body, every muscle, every bone, everything just felt numb. I felt empty. I felt like nothing. I never want to feel like this again, but I knew it wasn't up to me. It was up to the world.

     I didn't hear anything either though. I didn't hear anyone calling my name even though I saw their lips moving. I didn't hear what they were asking me, I didn't hear them shouting at each other to get out of the way or to hurry and get me to where I need to be. I just didn't hear anything, just like I didn't feel anything. I could see though. I saw lights blaring from the ceiling making me flinch. I saw people running around like someone's about to die- probably me. I saw people off in the back just stop and stare, either in shock or worry.

     I don't know and I wasn't about to ask. I didn't care about them. All I cared about was Nadia. They took her from me when I got here. Probably because I fell to the ground in front of all of them and it took a good couple of seconds before anyone started moving but they did take her from me. I got one look at her before she was gone and I wish I never saw her like that. She was covered in my blood, all over her clothes, it was even in her hair. She doesn't deserve that. She didn't.

     She's only three and she's had to experience me getting shot in front of her. Me bleeding all over her. No little girl should have to go through that. She probably doesn't even understand what's going on, she's probably just scared out of her mind. I try to speak but end up coughing and spitting up blood and from the look the people give each other, I take that what just happened wasn't a good thing. Oops. "Send someone to tell Alex to take care of Nadia." I croak out. They say something probably saying they're more concerned about me than Nadia.

     "Tell him, or the person dying today is you." I say and he hesitates before saying something to one of the guys and the guy rushes away. I shouldn't have to threaten my men for them to do what I want. If I do that I'll be just like Felix. No one wants that. I don't want that.

* * *

I sit on the bench with Nadia running my hand through her hair. It was getting so long and I just wanted to play with it while she still let me. "Mommy can I go play now?" She asks and I nod.

"Go on and play, just stay where I can see you do you understand." She nods as I pull my hand from her hair.

"I understand." She says before taking off and climbing up the slide.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" Braxton says next to me. I look to see him standing there with his hands behind his back. He looks down at me and smiles. "One second they're born and you're holding them in your arms, and the next they're running off wanting to play or leave."

"Was I like that?" He laughs.

"You are terrible. All you wanted to do was run off and I couldn't stop you even if I tried. Well, I could have but I never did. You wanted to explore and run around. So I let you, and you know what? You always came back. You never stayed away for too long."

"I had no where else to go." I say looking toward Nadia to see her laughing as she slides down. "My mother left me. You found me and took me. I may not have liked you at first but at least you gave me a place to stay."

"You know, the first couple of times you ran off, I got worried I'd lost my punching bag." I roll my eyes but smile. "So I would send a man or two after you, to follow you. See where you go. What you do."

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