Chapter Sixteen Just Wanna Be Wild

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Come get her- Rae Sremmurd

     "Just shoot him and be over with it." Felix in black says as I see him on my right as I sped by. I shake my head and stare forward again as I see Felix in white standing on my left.

     "Get the real Felix back." Felix in white says as I speed past him. I shake my head and close my eyes trying to force both of them away.

     "Go back into my head!" I growl aloud before opening my eyes again and seeing I was about to run into a tree. I quickly break and swerve around it sighing in relief to see I'm still alive. That was a close one. I need to focus. I need to figure out what my stupid problem is and solve it. I know what my problem is though. Felix. He's my problem. I still don't know what I need to do, but I do know I don't need to go crazy. No, no, no, no. Not yet anyway. I just need to drink them away. Out of everything so far, I think that seems like the best idea so far.

     I ride out of the tree line and onto the road speeding down it letting my engine roar loudly. I didn't care though. I wasn't going back to my place yet. I don't know how long I'm planning to stay out but Nadia can't seem me like this. She can't watch me go crazy. She's already seen me shot in front of her, she doesn't need to watch me have a mental break down also. I shake my head. She's too young. She's way too young for this. I don't want her to grow up the way I did. I don't want her to have to fight to eat or what she wants.

I can teach her to be feared, I know that, and she will be feared when I tell people the truth. That she's my daughter, and not my sister. Finn, Minnie and Jinx are the only ones that know the truth. Well, them and now Leon. If he tells anyone, I'll kill him even if it's too late to stop him. I'll kill him for ruining her young life. She's only three, she doesn't know what living truly is yet. I sigh and shake my head as I pull into a bar parking lot. I park in front of the door before getting off and walking inside seeing it was crowded.

"Good enough." I mutter going to the bar counter and seeing Henry. "Yo, Henry." I call and wave my hand getting his attention. He looks up and narrows his eyes as if in shock before he shakes the expression away and smiles at me coming to me ignoring everyone else.

"Hey." He smiles. "It's been a while."

"I haven't been this stressed in a while." I shrug and his smile fades.

"The usual?" He asks and I nod leaning against the counter and watching as he grabs a large cup and pours a lot of rum, then vodka, then whiskey, and then a little bit of pineapple juice before sliding it over to me. I sigh in relief taking it and putting it to my lips taking a big gulp. I do my best not to make a face so I close my eyes and feel it go down, leaving a burning sensation in my throat.

"You did it better than last time." I say opening my eyes and smiling. "You put more alcohol."

"And it's in a larger cup." He says nodding it it and I look at it.

"Thank God." I sigh taking another large gulp of it before setting it down.

"Why are you so stressed?" He asks throwing a towel over his shoulder as he leans forward on the counter.

"You're not my therapist." I say stirring my drink with a straw that I wasn't going to use any other way.

"No, I'm the bartender." He says and I look up at him, my eyes meeting his bright green ones. I study his light brown hair and his handsome features. Features such as a sharp jawline, firm cheekbones, eyes that when he smiles dimples formed on his cheeks, eyebrows that either never got too thick or he got waxed regularly, and a stubby beard growing. The beard wasn't thick or long. It made him look hotter than he was if I was going to be honest.

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