Chapter Eighteen No One Cares

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If Everyone Cared- Nickelback

"We need to get out of here!" Alex shouts as shots fire back and forth from my side to the other side and from their side to my side. You might be wondering who is firing at us. Well. That is a very good question. A question so good, I don't have an answer to it and I'm wondering the same thing. It's not the Russian mafia because I've had a couple of my people keeping track of their movement and they are somewhere that isn't here unless they're geniuses and tricked us.

     Honestly, I don't think they'd have to be geniuses to trick us. Well, some of us anyway. "Boss!" Alex shouts and I shake my head coming back to the present and focusing. Well, it was hard to focus with all the noise. Alex and I were squatted down and leaning behind a large desk as other of my people were spread out. Some behind walls and some in other places firing the guns at the intruders. "Boss I don't know how much longer we can keep them back. Not everyone is here right now. We have only a few and they have a lot.

     "Then call for back up." I say lifting up and firing a couple of shots before dropping back down again. "We can hold them off until then. If not, we can cause a distraction. Everything will be fine but I will not lose another building to outsiders." I growl. He nods and pulls out his radio calling for back up as I lift up again and fire more shots before dropping back down as bullets whistle past my ears. Before this happened, Braxton came and took Nadia out. Where ever out was anyway. I'm just glad she's not here right now.

     I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost her. I know I'd go crazy. "The average time for them to get here is ten minutes." Alex says and I look at him.

     "Ten minutes." I nod. "We can do this."

     "I hope you're right." He says and I nod again and lift up firing more bullets before dropping down.

     "I'm out." I say slowly as he looks to me.

     "We are so screwed." He says before he lifts up and fires his as his eyes give a sweep of everyone before he drops down again. He had a worried look.


     "You're not the only one out of bullets." He says. "Half of our men are already out and those people are blocking the door way. We can't get to the armory unless we get through that door." I sigh and peek over seeing a lot of men filling in and taking cover as others stay in the doorway firing their weapons.

     "That's not the only way to the weaponry." I say and sit back down with my back against the desk as Alex looks at me.

     "What are you talking about?" I look to my left to a small hall that was all the way across the room. I could make it to the armory from there, I just have to choose each turn wisely. That shouldn't be hard. I roll my eyes before taking a deep breath.

     "Cover me."

     "What?" His eyes go to where I was looking and his head snaps back to me. "Hell no!" Alex exclaims.

     "I am your boss. Cover me." I growl and he hesitates but finally nods after a few seconds. Thank you. I wanted to sigh in relief but I held it in. "On my mark." I say and he nods, getting his gun ready and holding it up.

"Are you sure about this?" I give a short laugh.

"I'm not sure about anything anymore." I smile. "Let's do this." I bounce on the heels of my feet ready to run and watching Alex as he watches me.

     "Please don't get shot. Again." I roll my eyes and motion for him to cover me.

     "Come on already." He sighs but jumps up and starts firing his gun as at the same time I take off toward the door. I hear and feel bullets whistle past me as the other men shout orders and other inaudible things to each other. Probably things about how they should shoot me and stop me. I don't know though because I can't hear them over all the gun shots! I feel something brush against or through my hair and for some reason I drop to the ground and slide to the door jumping up again and rushing through it closing it behind me.

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