(Felix's POV)
I sit by Blake's bed, listening to the machines beep to the rhythm of her heart while the tubes in her breath for her. I wasn't supposed to be in here, so I snuck in just to sit here with her. Just seeing her brightened my day so I needed to be here. I couldn't be grumpy for the whole day because being grumpy takes work and that's a lot of effort I don't really have anymore. The only effort I have left I use to be with her and to kill the bad people responsibility for this.
Nadia keeps crying to see Blake, but there's no way we could get her in here to do so. And also, I wouldn't want Nadia to see Blake like this. She was too young to be going through this. We were too young to have her. We're not responsible enough and Blake and I are still young. She's too young to have had Nadia and although I love Nadia, I think it would have been better to have had her later. If Blake and I were even still together later. That all depends on if she wakes up now and I needed her to. We all did.
I look at the tubes going in her throat and I shake my head. This wasn't right. It wasn't right at all. She didn't deserve to be here in this place. I did. I deserved to be the in this bed. I should be the one dying. I remember when we were younger Blake and I planned out our lives together. We planned to live until we were old and wrinkling. We planned to have kids when we were older. We planned for everything even death. We made a promise to each other that if one of us died, we wouldn't nope around. We would move on.
And even though we both made those promises, I still don't think I'm ready to lose her and if she dies, I know I won't be able to move on. I know that for sure. "That promise we made when we were younger." I say out loud. "The one for if one of us died. Did you mean it? I didn't. I just made that promise so you would be happy, I never expected for it to happen so quickly though and although you're not dead yet, I can feel you slipping away. I can see you slipping away."
I shake my head before standing up. "That promise was pointless. Just like me being here." I whisper. I start to turn away when I thought I saw her move making me freeze. I face her again and watch her closely hoping it wasn't just my imagination. She moves again, but it wasn't exactly as if she was trying to. It was like a twitch, or maybe a flinch. I wondered if she had dreams and if she did, I wondered if they were good. I hoped she didn't have nightmares. I wanted her to be at peace. She needed it more than ever now.
I sigh looking at her one last time before I needed to go. I study her face and everything about it just in case this was the last time I could see her. Alive I mean. The last time I see her alive. I begin backing away when the machines suddenly start beeping rapidly making me stop. Something was happening to her and she needed help. I start for the door again to call for help when suddenly she looks like she's gagging and her eyes open. She reaches for the tubes but then puts her hands back down and keeps gagging.
She needed them out of her airway now. I go to her and slowly pull the tube out of her throat and then put it on the tray near her bed. "Are you okay? How are you I feeling?"
"How do you think I am?" She asks laying back in her bed. That's when she looks around the room then at the bed she was in, then at the machines connected to her, and the finally her cold eyes meet mine. "Tell me I'm not where I think I am."
"We had no other choice." I say. "You were dying and there was nothing the medics you have could do. You needed to be here or you would be dead right now."
"I should be dead right now." She says shaking her head and looking up at the ceiling. "I should be dead."
"No you shouldn't. Nadia needs you not me. You're people need you."

The Game Changer (Blake) 3 ✔️
AcciónBook #3 in The Fire series BLAKE RIVERA "You're the leader of a gang." Aiden yells. I look up at him. "You don't think I know that?" I yell back. "I am doing everything I can to protect my people!" "Your people are being murdered. Y...