Chapter Thrity-Six Getting Shown Up By A Girl

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Lonely Call- Raelynn

     I load up with Aiden next to me in the car. He was driving and I look back seeing my bike there. We were on our way to Ohio to find Ryder. Dallas' girl. Aiden said that's after what they did trying to get her she hid in a crowd and someone helped her escape. Rocco helped her escape which must've been a good thing because someone exploded her bike. It's good she wasn't on it because Dallas acts like he loves the girl. He would've been broken if she was murdered and he wouldn't stop until he found out who did it.

     Aiden said there's a club down in Ohio where we got word of a boxer named Ryder winning match after match. Unless there was another undefeated boxer down there that goes by Ryder, this is her. I wonder if Dallas knows what she does in her free time. No. If he knew he'd make her stop immediately. After what happened to him, after what he did, he wouldn't want her to go through all that. He killed a boxer in a fight that's what people know. What they don't know if that the boxer was his best friend.

     His name was Vander. He was a good man but he had anger issues. He couldn't control it as well as he needed to. Dallas was helping him get a hold of his anger and he was getting better, but in the fight, Vander lost it and Dallas ended up killing him. Dallas doesn't forgive himself for it and I don't know if he ever will but I know for a fact he wouldn't want Ryder to go through that. Although from what I hear she's been through a lot. What happened to her by her trainer, a man she trusted- I shake my head. It's just terrible.

     "She's in the building." Aiden says looking down at his phone as he drove. "She's fighting again. You wouldn't be able to get to her unless you fought her or waited until she was done."

     "I'll just have to fight her then." I say cocking my gun and pointing it at the windshield checking the aim. The gun was black and it felt cold in my hand but it was a feeling I've grown used to. Aiden pulls up to a building that was near a bridge that passed over a big body of water and I get out of the car putting the gun in the back of my pants and walking to the back of the van as Aiden opens the doors.

     "How long do you think this will take?" He asks as I jump up and kick the ramp down as I get on my bike.

     "It will take as long as it takes." I kick the stand up and look back as I slowly back up and down the ramp. "You don't have to stay you know, you can leave. I can do this by myself." Aiden hesitates.

     "Are you ordering me to leave?" He asks as I look up at him. I shake my head.

     "No. I'm not ordering you to do anything right now. This is your decision."

     "Then I'm staying." He nods. "Just for back up. Just for emergencies." My phone rings and I look down at it seeing and unknown number but I've memorized it so I know who it is. It was Felix. I silence my phone and look back up to Aiden.

     "Okay then. I'll see you inside." He salutes as I start up my bike and ride around the van and to the other side of the building where I found and alley way and a back entrance. I hide my bike behind a dumpster in the shadows and open the back door stepping inside. This floor must be the bar. People were drinking and others were dancing everywhere. I notice a staircase leading up with a guard by it. That must be where I need to go. I wrap the black boxing robe I had on over my clothes and I tie it in front.

     Pulling up my hood so it covers my whole face, I begin to make my way through the room and over to the guard. He would know who I was just by one look and I knew you couldn't get up stairs unless you were someone special. You wouldn't need a guard otherwise. He notices me as I get closer to him and I tilt my head up allowing my hood to slide back a little bit. His eyes begin to widen but I put a finger to my lips and look down again making to hood go down all the way as I pass by. He doesn't even try to stop me.

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