Meet Me On The Battlefield- SVRCINA
I change into the clothes Felix left for me while he took a shower after I stopped crying. I was so sick and tired of crying. Shaking my head I tug on the shirt I was wearing and stand up heading to the window and looking out. At least I had something to wear now. The skin to skin contact with Felix wasn't helping matters especially when I was already half naked so with clothes on, hopefully that won't happen again. The moment we had. That long, eventful but dreadful moment. I don't want it to happen again because next time I might not stop.
I was surprised Felix stopped himself. Was he feeling what I was feeling or was this all a game to him? I don't know what goes on in that head of his. That moment, what it could have turned into, what if that would have been his revenge and I would have fallen into his stupid little trap? I was about to, would have. If he hadn't had said anything about Nadia I wouldn't have stopped. That's the thing. With him, she slips my mind. It's like I forget her. It's like I don't need her.
It's like she was never here to begin with. I can't forget her. She was all I had to keep me sane besides my people and now she's gone. All Felix can do is apologize? Like apologizing would make me feel better about myself. Because of him I broke a promise. I can't let it happen again. I can't break another promise just like I can't forget her again. And if being with Felix makes me forget, then I need to get away from him as soon as possible. He acts like he wants to make things better but who knows.
It might all be a game to him. There is a war going on between his people and mine. Between Felix and I. I can't get lost in the emotion I once felt for him. I can't get lost in the feelings I once had. Felix is different. What if the chip didn't change anything about him? What if he is still who he was? And what if he did change? What if he was the same man he was before we were kidnapped? What if everything could go back to the way it used to be? What if?
I cross my arms over my chest and keep looking out at all the buildings. At the sky and the clouds. I looked at how the sun was already going down. Are my people looking for me? Do they know where I am? How long of a shower does Felix take? I sigh and turn to see Felix crouched down by the bed. He had pulled out a duffle back and unzipped it, going through it and shuffling through the contents inside. When did he get out of the shower? It must've been just now because his hair is wet and so is his skin.
Felix pulls out a gun and shoves a clip inside, cocking the gun and putting it in the back of his pants before grabbing another gun. "What are you doing?" I ask nervously as he stops and looks at me.
"You're back. Good." He says pulling the clip in the gun as I narrow my eyes. "You were zoned out staring out the window. I called your name but you didn't answer so I just started arming up."
"Why? What do you need weapons for?" He chuckles.
"What do I need weapons for?" He chuckles again as he puts the gun in his sock and then covers it with his jeans before pulling out another gun. "Well let's see. I'm the leader of the Russian mafia." He grunts and winces as he shoves a clip into the gun. "I have the Italian mafia leader in my room." He grunts and winces again putting the gun at his waist and then turning to face me. "And I got a text from Leon saying the other gang, you remember the third gang right? The one that attacked your building and you beat their leader?" I nod.
"Yeah, well they're about to attack again at a local place. My people have seen some of them gathering up at a local diner in town but I think it's all a distraction. I think they're gonna start trouble there hopping we'll all come out and see what's going on or try to stop them and then they're gonna attack your place and get their leader back." He shrugs. "Just a wild guess." He cocks the forth gun he loads and spreads his arms before facing the bag again as he slides it in the back of his pants next to the other gun.

The Game Changer (Blake) 3 ✔️
ActionBook #3 in The Fire series BLAKE RIVERA "You're the leader of a gang." Aiden yells. I look up at him. "You don't think I know that?" I yell back. "I am doing everything I can to protect my people!" "Your people are being murdered. Y...