Chapter Twenty-Six Never See Her Again

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I won't let go- Rascal Flats

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do." I whisper, staring down at the floor beneath my feet. I sat on the ground with my legs crossed over each other and I do my best to hold back tears. I don't know why I was even trying to be strong in front of Leon when this was his idea but here I was doing the best that I could. Maybe I was scared to be weak in front of him. This is the first time he's been nice to me. Maybe Jinx hitting him over the head with her bat was a good thing.

Maybe it knocked some kindness into him. He needed it. When I first met Leon I knew he didn't like me. Some told me it was because he thought I was stealing Felix from him and he was scared but that wasn't what I was doing. Well maybe in a way it could look as if that was what I was doing. Hell I know at first I didn't like Leon either. He was one of the boys that would help Felix beat me up. Yeah, I forgave Felix but I couldn't forgive Leon that easily. It would take longer than that.

I guess I've forgiven him by now. He's never really spoken to me until that night. When Jinx told me she had a man in her trunk and we all gathered around to see. I knew who he was by his hair but I wasn't completely sure until I saw his eyes. His eyes remind me so much of Felix. Maybe that was why I couldn't look at him right now. Felix did this and if Leon was a reminder, I'd probably get my gun back and shoot him in head.

If I can't avenge Nadia by killing Felix, I can avenge her by killing Leon. Right? I mean, he's right here and it would be so easy because he wouldn't be expecting it. He expects me to talk to him like- what- we're friends? We are not even close to being friends. Especially after this. I know I can't blame Leon for Felix's troubles, but I assure you I can try. I want to blame him so bad. Felix wasn't here. He was. What did he expect from me? Anything less? Anything more? Leon has to expect me to be weary of this sudden friendship.

No. Not friendship. Acquaintance. We are no where close to being friends. Maybe soon. We will be. But I'm not sure right now. I'm not sure of anything right now. The only thing I'm sure of is Nadia is dead and there's no bringing her back. Ever. Braxton is very hurt and he's fighting for his life right now. And I am very sure, this is all because of Felix. He did all of this because of what happened in the place. That retched place. I bring up a hand and wipe my nose before putting it back down and keeping my head down.

     I was waiting for Leon's response but I'm pretty sure he was waiting for me to look him in the eyes. That's the only way he knows I'm telling the truth- he's always been good at that- but I don't know why he'd think I'd lie about such a sensitive subject. What was there to lie about other than how I feel and what I'm going to do next? I don't know how I feel. Sad? Angry? Depressed? Anxious? Weary? Confused? Timid? Worse? Evil? Wicked? Relived? All of the above? Why would I be relived though?

     Relieved that I won't be able to see Nadia ever again? Or relieved that this is the final push for me? The final push for me to kill Felix. After another forsaken- what feels like an hour but was probably thirty seconds- moment, I bring my chin up and look Leon in the eyes. His bright blue eyes. "What do you think you should do?" I roll my eyes and look away again, irritated.

"You know what I think I should do."

"Kill yourself?" I let my eyes flick to his.

"Kill Felix." Leon hesitates before taking a deep breath and glancing around the room. Maybe for something he could use to defend himself if he needed to. Maybe for an escape because he realized he still hates me. I have no clue.

"Who ever killed Nadia-"

"Felix." He rolls his eyes.

"It wasn't Felix."

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