Chapter Fifty-Four Really Get To Know Me

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Low key- Ally Brooke

(Felix's POV)

     I stand in the hospital room with the door locked behind me. It was just me because I made Leon leave and I waited for who I assume is his family to leave before I came in. It'd be awkward if I just shoved them all out so I have them time. Now it's my time though and I had to decide whether to force him awake or let him wake up on his own. Maybe by subtly making noises, who even knows. I should, yeah, but I don't. At least not yet. I've met him only a couple of times.

     I get the feeling he doesn't like me. Especially when he gets shot and his girl gets taken from him. I wonder if he even knows that she's gone. Has he been awake long enough to find out? I shake my head and step forward as he slightly moves his head. Maybe he's walking up. Maybe I need to wake up him. I walk to him and press down on his bullet sound making his eyes fling open and meet mine. "Good. You're awake." I say letting go as he winces and tries to sit up.

    "What are you doing here?"

     "I just came to talk. You look very pale, do you know that? You look sweaty and just really gross."

     "Oh really? Hadn't noticed. Maybe because I've been shot." He rolls his eyes and then hesitates. "Rex. Ryder. I need to see Ryder. Is she here? Do you know where she is?"

     "No and no." I sigh.

     "She's not here?" I shake my head. "You don't know where she is?" I shake my head again.

     "No one does Dallas. She was taken. First by David and then by a man they call Dane." I sigh and pull up a chair before sitting in it. "I assume Dane has her now but we can't locate him. Or her." Dallas shakes his head and sits up before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?"

     "Leaving." He says as he plants his feet on the ground.


     "Because I need to find her. I need to find Rex." I roll my eyes as he starts to rip out the wires and needles that were in him but I stand up yank his arms apart.

     "You are going to do nothing but lay in the bed and heal." I say and he gives me a strange look. I would have given it to myself if I could, I sounded like a parent. "Okay. Forget I said that, but you can't leave. Blake and her people are already searching for her and there's nothing more you can do."

     "Then why are you here? What do you want?"

     "Answers. Remember what my people called Krovozhadnaya Koroleva?" I ask and he narrows his eyes as he lays back and I let go of him but stay alert. He is one of Blake's men after all. You can never be too careful with them.

"A stage Blake was in a long time ago." He nods. "You guys called her the Bloodthirsty Queen because she took lives everyday. What about it?"

"I have a feeling that Krovozhadnaya Koroleva is back." I say.

"Why would it be back?"

"Right. You've been out for a while. I guess I should explain. Blake and I was kidnapped by Gregory. You know. They guy who tried to kill Ryder before you even knew who she was." His eyes darken at the name.

"I know who he is." He growls.

"Good. Less explaining for me then. Anyway he kidnapped us and tortured us for— I still don't know how long we were there but you know it felt like a while. So we were there being tortured and almost dying and everything when Blake broke free from the straps and knocked him out I guess. Then she saved me and I killed Gregory and we escaped barely making it though. We were both bleeding out and we were both weak. Still are a little bit I guess. We only escaped a few days ago." Dallas eyes me as I sit back.

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