Chapter Thirty The Most Powerful

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Bleeding Out- Imagine Dragons

This is from chapter Forty and fifty of The Fire In Me. This is what happened that Ryder didn't know about but Blake experienced. This will answer your questions if you have the right ones about what happened this day.

"Who knows. Maybe he's going to kill me." I say. Why would he do this to me? To us? Who is he? Who is Jay? I don't know a Jay, how did he know me?

     "Why would he kidnap you and then kill you? He's been more focused on me then he has been on you. And then you do one thing and he wants to kill you." Ryder says and I hear the movement of her hair maybe. As if she were shaking her head. We both knew we didn't have enough time left. I didn't have enough time left. He'll be back any moment. But I was still so confused.

     "None of this makes any since. Why blindfold me and not you? Why mess with you and not me? Not that I mind, no offense."

     "None taken." She mutters. "If I were you I wouldn't want him messing with me either. I don't want him messing with me."

     "Maybe once I'm out there, I can get free, go for help." I say.

     "What happened back there?" She asks curiosity beating her.

     "One of the ropes that tied my wrist to the arm of the chair snapped." I say. "I was trying to get free, but he got here and he tied my wrist back down."

     "Oh." She said but that was it. Nothing else cane form her lips except her breath. I didn't know what to say either but I knew we were both worried. Worried of what was to come. I didn't know if I was strong enough to do this and I didn't know if I could with stand what was to come. Suddenly the lock of the door click and the air grows tense, but nothing else happens. No one enters. Instead, I hear the faint sounds of footsteps walking away. He was leaving?

"Ryder?" I ask waiting for something to happen. Anything to happen. "Ryder what's going on? Did he leave?"

     "He didn't come in." She says. "He unlocked the door, he just didn't come in."

    "Maybe that's a good thing. It gives us more time to think. To plan."

     "To plan what? There's nothing to plan. There's nothing to do."

     "Don't say that."

     "It's true. We're both tied up. We're both unable to see each other for some strange reason. We're both in this room. He's coming when ever he comes and he's going to take you. There's nothing to do."

     "There's gotta be something." I sigh. "I know there's something we can do."

     "Like what?" She asks and I thought I heard a hint of annoyance in her voice.

     "I don't know Ryder." I sigh again. "We just have to do something. Maybe when I'm out there I can fight, I can escape. I can get help."

     "That's a big maybe."

     The door opens suddenly but I couldn't turn my head to look. I hear footsteps and suddenly the man, Jay, stood right in front of me. "You fight, I won't hesitate to slit your throat." He says. He didn't speak to me the way he spoke to Ryder. He spoke to her with love in his voice, even though that was love. What he thought of Ryder. It wasn't love.

     "You've kept me alive for this long. You need me for something, you won't kill me."  I say and I ignorantly let out a laugh without any humor. It was so cold, so dry. He smacks me across the face making me laugh stop.

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