Chapter Seventy-Nine It's All Of Us Or None Of Us

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Everybody Lies- Nightcore

"We're going to get them back but we're going to have to work together to do so." I say looking around at everyone. "That means no fighting. No arguing. No questioning me. I want them back just as much as you guys do and those of you who don't care. Start soon because this is going to be what we will be focusing on until they are all found." I look to Leon. "By all of us working together, I mean all of us. Including the Russian mafia." All my people being murmuring as Leon's eyes widen and I look out at everyone.

"In order to fight back and get them we need them." I say loudly and sternly. "Put your feelings for them aside because we are going to work with them together on this." As long as they work with us. "Felix was one of us and I Kano some of you might disagree but he was one of us." I look out at all of them again. "There's something these people don't know about us. That is if you attack one of us, you attack all of us." People nod in agreement and some of them cheer. "Get to work. The sooner we find them the better."

(Felix's POV)

I was chained up with my arms above my head as I stare at the ground. I felt their eyes on me and it was really startling to make me mad. I knew who they were and I should be sympathetic but I wasn't. I was stuck in a room with two girls. "Felix." A girl says and I look up as my eyes meet Ryder. "I expected them to go after Blake. Not you."

"We all expected them to go after Blake. Why they decided to take me is beyond me." I say. "But for the better. I'd rather be in here than her."

"Felix?" The other girl asks and I look to meet her eyes. "You're Blake's Ex-boyfriend?" She asks.

"Man you both have a miss a lot." I sigh. "Blake and I made up. We're not ex's anymore. We're together. Blake will be glad you both are alive but the things that he concerns me with is he said you're alive for now. So that means something is going to happen. Or it means soon he's going to kill us."

"Please don't say that." Selene says closing her eyes and looking away.

"I'm just stating the truth. Would you rather me lie?" I ask with narrow eyes. Ryder shakes her head.

"Blake would be better company." Selene says and I roll my eyes.

"But you're stuck with me. Blame Dane. I didn't have a choice. It's not like I signed up to be here."

"None of us signed up to be here." Ryder says. "Do you think we did? Do you think we like being chained up and locked in a dark basement?"

"That's not what I meant." I sigh knowing what I needed to say for them. They've been here longer than me and judging by their shredded and filthy clothes and the dirt and brushes on their faces, they've been through a lot. They needed hope. "Blake and her people will look for us and they won't stop till they find us. They will find us. Blake is smart and so are her people. They won't stop or even hesitate until they've searched everywhere. Dallas is with her." I watch as Ryder stands straighter and looks to me. "He's a pain in the ass your boyfriend."

"That He is indeed." She says with a small smile.

"He also missed you a lot and he hasn't stopped trying to find you since he got out of the hospital. You chose a good one. He really loves you." Ryder nods and I look to Selene to see her starting at the ground. "Wesley is okay too." I say and she looks up to me. She wasn't expecting me to say his name. Blake mentioned his name before. She's told me about how she's met him a couple of times. "I haven't met him but I bet he's searching for you too."

"I doubt that." She says shaking her head. "As of now he should hate me." Selene looks away again.

"He doesn't though." I say and she stands up straighter as I watch her arms twitch against the chains. "He still loves you. Alex came back and told Blake what happened. All of your friends are okay." She nods and I nod back letting out a breath. This was a tough job and I don't know how Blake does it so much. Sympathize. Be kind to people. I shake my head. It's difficult to be kind to people you don't know. It's difficult to give them lost hope. But it's hope we all needed. "There's something we need to do."

"What can we do from in here?" Ryder asks shaking the chains on her wrists.

"Fight. All go our people are fighting for us out there so we can't give up on them. We have to all work together. Help each other out. It's not one of us it's all of us. So if they attack one of us, they attack all of us. Okay? We have to keep fighting for our people. Our friends and family. We have to fight for them just like they're fighting for us."

"Alright." Ryder says.

"Okay." Selene says. "As long as you do the same."

"I will." I say nodding. For some reason I felt the need to protect them. I can handle the pain and I know they probably could to but I didn't want them to have to. I wanted to keep them safe. I wanted it keep them alive for Dallas. For Wesley. For Blake. We all needed to stay alive and I needed to help them keep breathing. And I was going to. No matter what the cost. No matter what it takes. Both of them were going to make it out of this.

How is Blake going to get the Russians to fight with her? Will Leon help in any way? How can he possibly control them when Felix barely could? How are they expected to work together and not fight? What will Blake do if they begin to not follow her orders? Why is Felix giving Ryder and Selene hope? Does he think they need it to survive? Is he lying or is he telling them the truth? Will they all stand up for each other? Will they all protect each other? Is Dane going to kill them? 5-20-19

     I want to thank all of you for staying with me for so long. I know I've lost some people along the way but I've also gained more than I could even imagine. I want to also thank all of you for your comments and your votes. You and them are what really help keep me going.

      I've went through a lot these years and I'm so glad all of you stayed with me. I feel like I've grown since the first book I wrote The Fire In Me. I grown and I've learned from past mistakes and you guys have helped me grow as a writer.

     None of this could have happened with out you all. Especially the people who first introduced me to wattpad. I'd like to give a special thanks to EverlastingJinx, SydAwesomeness and megPink2000 for helping me with ideas and first introducing me to this.

      They are also a big reason I started out writing here and actually publishing my work and making it this far so I'm giving a big shout out to them. They have great works that they've done and I'm glad to have such good friends like them.

Anyway this story isn't over and the next one will be released soon. You know how this works now if you've been with me from the beginning. Ryder, Selene, and Felix are going to have to fight together, but how long will they be able to fight? Stay with me to find out how their story really ends.

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