Chapter Forty-Nine He's Waiting For You

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Beautiful- Bazzi & Camila Cabello

I open my eyes to see the dark ceiling but there was something different about it. There were stars on the ceiling, the little stars that stick up there and glow plastered all over the wall above. I push myself up and study them closer even though I couldn't get very close. They stars made me feel calm for some reason. They made me feel like I wasn't in danger. Ignoring every physical and emotional pain I have, I push myself farther up into a sitting position and I keep staring up. I was too scared to look anywhere else.

I didn't know why. I just had this overwhelming feeling that if I look around I'd see something that I wouldn't want to see but maybe something I needed to see. Gregory was a mystery so I don't know what his plans are with this stars on the ceiling and- I finally look around seeing the room. I wasn't strapped down. Felix wasn't here. Jinx and Minnie were on the bed a couple feet away tucking someone in. I narrow my eyes and lens toward them. How are they hear? Did Greg get them too? I think and I think.

Did Felix get me out of that place? Is Greg dead? Is this all some kind of trick? "I wanna lay with mommy." I hear a soft and sad voice say. Nadia? No. Again? This dream? What is this? What am I supposed to learn? Am I supposed to learn something? Is this a dream? What if it wasn't? What if it was all real? What if this was reality and everything else was all a dream? I shake my head. That can't be. Nadia's head peeks out around Jinx's body as her eyes meet mine. "Mommy you're awake." Minnie and Jinx immediately turn to me.

"Are the monsters all gone? Are you better mommy?" She asks but I just stare at her. What is real and what is fake? Had any of this been fake, or was it all real? Had any of this been real? But what I saw. The blood. Braxton's blood. Him. I never talked to Braxton about what happened. I never checked on him. He was a reminder of what happened and I didn't need that. I didn't want it. "Are all the nightmares gone?" She asks. I look to Jinx and Minnie wondering if this was true.

     If it was real. "Go get Felix." Minnie whispers to Jinx but Jinx just gives her a look before shaking her head.

"Get Felix?" She asks. "Not yet. She'll go to him when she's ready."

     "Ready for what?" I ask watching them both carefully as I shift to face them. I ignore the little girl who looked like Nadia. She wasn't real. She couldn't be.

     "To talk." Jinx says standing up. "Felix is waiting for you when you're ready to talk." He's okay?

     "How is he?" I ask. "Is he alright? What happened?"

     "Felix is as good as he could be you could say." Minnie says standing up also. "As for what happened, he'll talk to you about that when you go to him. When you're ready."

     "Well I'm ready now." I say standing up and winding with pain but shaking my head and making my face go blank. "Take me to him. We need to talk and I'm ready."

     "Blake, I don't think you're ready." Jinx says shaking her head.

     "Jinx is right. You need to rest and-"

     "And what? Hope everything will go back to being normal? Nothing is normal in my life and nothing will ever be normal. It's who I am and it's what got Nadia killed." They both look to each other before giving me a sympathetic look that made me confused.


     "What? It's true."

     "Mommy, I'm right here." I hear Nadia's voice say but I close my eyes and shake my head. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. I open my eyes again and look them Jinx and Minnie.

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