Willow- Jasmine Thompson
I ran and I ran. The whole Russian mafia was headed to my building and I wasn't there to warn them and there was nothing I could so so I just kept running. I knew I probably should have stolen Leon's motorcycle but I wasn't thinking. I can't think when I'm too busy worrying about what's going on. About what's happening. I shake my head and run faster as I hear an engine getting louder and louder somewhere behind me. An angry feeling came over me as I realize who is coming and I try to run faster.
"Blake come on. Get on behind me." Leon shouts ridding along side me. I slow my pace giving him a worried look but he nods behind him with a confident look. "It's faster. Come on you need to save your energy for war." I nod and hop on behind him wrapping my arms around his waist just as he speeds off and the wind slams against my face blowing my hair behind my back. I close my eyes and imagine all the things that could go wrong. It was bad, but I didn't know what else to do, so I imagined the worst.
Hopefully I am imaging the worst of the worst and when I get there and see what happens I will be relieved it's not as bad as I thought it would be. That's what I hope. It's what I can only hope. What could happen plays out in my head as I close my eyes and feel the wind against my skin.
I run into the building and see the Russian mafia everywhere. They were firing bullets like crazy, hitting the walls and worst of all, some of them hitting my people. I shake my head and reach for a weapon but all I could find was the knife Leon gave me. Staring down at it I look up at all the men. The blood splattering. The billets firing. My people falling. Screaming out. Pain was everywhere. But no pain among my people was going to compare to what I was about to do to the Russians. Especially if I saw Felix.
Everything seems to go red as I let out a battle cry and run jumping on and man and jamming the knife into his neck watching him gasp for breath as I pull out my knife and he begins bleeding out too. Two men come at me easing their guns but I duck and jam my knife into one of the men's legs making him cry out before I knock his legs out form under him and then jam my knife into the other man's abdomen shoving him away with my food. The man I stabbed in the leg comes at me again but I kick him back before getting on him and sliding my knife across his neck.
Then I rush to the man so stabbed in the abdomen and I do the same thing watching him bleed out and fall to the ground before I look around for more of them. It wasn't hard to find them. The hard part is finding them before they kill me. Because I brought a knife to a gun fight and if they see me, I'll be dead on the spot. I have to try and stay hidden. I have to stay low and be quiet. I have to do everything just right, or nothing will go as planned and everything will fall apart. Blake. Everything is already falling apart.
I roll my eyes and look out before crouching down and sneaking toward a man who was firing at Alex and Aiden keeping them pinned in a corner behind a turned over desk. They looked as if they were out of bullets and if this guy was smarter, he would have figured it out by now because they weren't firing back. People are so stupid. No. Not people. Well yeah people but not people in this case. Russian mafia is stupid. Everything about them is stupid. Their accents that are extremely attractive. The faces which are very attractive too. Their deep voices. Their blue eyes. Their- why does everything about them seem perfect suddenly?
I shake my head. Focus Blake. Focus. I say to myself as I grip my knife tightly and come up behind the man jabbing my knife into his neck as he raises his gun to point at me but I turn it to him as he pulls the trigger and the bullet goes through his head making blood splatter all over me.
That definitely was not real. What was with all my neck jabs? And there was hardly a fight. It would be more difficult than that because that seems easy. It made the Russian Mafia look weak and they are defined not weak. If there were, I wouldn't be worried about there every move and they probably wouldn't be attacking my people right now if that's what they're even doing. They could all be civil and playing cards with each other. No. Now that is more doubtful. The Russian and Italian mafia will never get along.

The Game Changer (Blake) 3 ✔️
ActionBook #3 in The Fire series BLAKE RIVERA "You're the leader of a gang." Aiden yells. I look up at him. "You don't think I know that?" I yell back. "I am doing everything I can to protect my people!" "Your people are being murdered. Y...