Chapter 14: Our Hopes And Expectations

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A/N: if you get where the title is referenced from you're cool okay? okay.


I drove the car back to my place. Patrick, his girlfriend and some sleepy little kid were my passengers. I had on a Sinatra cd and hummed along to it whilst Patrick talked about everything. We caught up about what had happened in the past year. He got a C in his physics test. He's been asked to audition to a band, who I will certainly consider signing. And of course, his beautiful girlfriend Electra who was sat in the back seat. God I missed Patrick. He's such a good kid. There's ten years between us, and I just think of him as a brother. I met him at a Panic! concert last summer and we started hanging out a lot, well when I was in town or near. I stayed in Chicago for a week with him just to chill. I heard his music, you know, the stuff he's written and whatever. He's a talented kid. So much potential.

"-and then this dumb blonde kissed me! She was such a whore! I almost smacked her, but I'm much more civilised than that." He told me. He was talking about when this girl kissed him at this party a couple months ago.

"Was she the groom's bride?" I said, laughing slightly.

Patrick didn't catch on to what I was going to at first. Electra did though. She laughed quite loudly. "Oh my god!" She snorted.

Patrick laughed. At first it was because of Electra's laugh, but then it was because he got the joke.

"Ah. I got that." He spoke.

"Yeah, after a minute of inward thoughts of trying to figure out what I meant." I laughed back at him.

"Yeah, shut it Brendon." He mumbled.

Ah. This week will be fun.

"So Electra," I began, making a conversation in the now quite car. "Tell me a little bit about yourself."

And that she did. She told me her name; where she's from; her background; what she enjoys doing; her dislikes; what she wants to do with her life.

By the end of the fifteen minute car journey, I felt like I'd known Electra for years.

Patrick and Electra were gonna stay with me and Sarah for the whole week. It was gonna be fun, as you can tell.

I stopped the car, pressed the button to unlock the trunk and got out. I grabbed all three suitcases (somehow, I don't know. I guess I'm like the superman of Nevada) and dragged them towards the front door. I fumbled around to try and find my keys in my skinny jeans pocket. I found them, in victory, and put them in the door. After unlocking it, I trudged inside and leaned the cases against the white wall. Electra and Patrick walked in behind me, Kyle was draped over Patricks shoulder. They shut the door and looked at me.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" I exclaimed. "We have food, and you can just make yourself at home!"

Electra giggled and swept some of her dark hair behind her ear.

What a pretty girl. Shame I'm married-

Brendon, shut up! It's not a shame! You're happy with Sarah! And plus, Electra is seventeen, its practically illegal!

But she's gorgeous.

Quit while you're ahead, Urie.

"Brendon? You okay?" Patrick queried.

I snapped back into reality. "Yeah! Yeah I'm great! Just spaced out. Uh, you three, um- I'll show you to your rooms." I stuttered. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to readjust into reality. The good, real, legal reality. Perfect reality.

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