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The next day I showed up to work and was greeted with a sleeping Harry at his desk. His hair was a mess and his shirt was untucked. I put a coffee cup on his desk and gently tapped his shoulder. "Leave me alone to die." He mumbled.

"Umm no." I shook my head. "Hey look at me." He turned to look up when I noticed he was crying. "What's going on?"

"It's Emily." His breath smelled of alcohol. "That bitch is sleeping with a woman." My eyes widened. "And a man at the same time. I caught them in bed and I haven't been home." He slurred leaning his head on his arm.

My eyes widened at what he had just said. She broke him. "Harry you're hurt, and drunk, you can't be at work right now." I stood him up and he quickly sat back down.

"Where will I go, back home to her?" I shook my head.

"No, you'll go back to mine, and sleep off the alcohol." He shrugged. "Wait here." I walked over to my uncle's office and knocked. He let me in and stared at me.

"Miss Holt?" I rolled my eyes.

"No Miss Holt, it's Marlene right now. Uncle Robert, I need to take Harry home." He raised an eyebrow. "Something personal happened and he's not stable." He sighed.

"Marlene, you shouldn't get involved in his problems. He's a grown man-"

"His girlfriend cheated on him with a man and a woman and he walked in on them. He needs a day, and I'm going with him." He rolled his eyes. "Please, I'll get the work done." He groaned.

"Fine, Styles has earned a few days off anyway." He told me to go and I quickly went back to our cubicle to get Harry, who at that point was sleeping again.

Somehow I managed to get him to my house and onto my bed where he laid down and curled into a ball. "I hate myself for staying with her." I sat beside him and helped him drink some water.

"You can't help but care about her, what are you going to do?" He shrugged and I quickly remembered he was drunk. "Okay, how about you just lay down and relax, I'll make you something to eat and when you wake up we'll have lunch and talk." He nodded smiling at me.

"Why are you so good to me?" I smiled.

"Because I care about you." I kissed his forehead and he closed his eyes.



I woke up a few hours later with a headache. I smelled clean sheets and also a small hint of perfume. I looked around and realized I was on Marlene's bed. The lights were off and the curtains closed to keep the light out. It was raining outside and very appropriate for the way I was feeling. I looked over and Marlene sat at her desk on her computer. "What time is it?" She turned and looked at me.

"Four in the afternoon." I nodded rubbing my head. She walked over with some water and what looked like Advil. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm being a bother." She shook her head.

"You're not, I'm probably going to be smothering you with food and attention because I don't know how to be there as a friend when it comes to this." I chuckled.

I didn't know what to do when it came to this. My name was on my apartment lease and I couldn't exactly just not go back. It could fuck up my credit. I needed to wait for the lease to be up next month. I needed to break up with Emily, but I was scared. She had threatened to call the police on me, what if she got upset and did that. She had nowhere to go.

She can go with Katie or the other guy.

I took a deep breath and felt tears falling down my cheeks. "Oh, Harry." Marlene pulled me in and hugged me close. "It's okay sweetie, your heart is broken, you let it out." She said quietly holding me. I felt sick, how could I be so blind to everything she had done to me.

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