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Last chapter before the epilogue.


Our beautiful Serena was born November sixteenth and came home almost ten days after she was born.

She was gorgeous once she was able to put on her cute little outfits, well more like just one of three. She was so small, only weighing about five pounds, that none of the clothes fit her normal except for a few.

Of course, as the first few weeks passed by, our angel got bigger and began looking less like a hairless cat and more like a beautiful baby.

She cried a bit, which would wake up Oliver and cause us to deal with two crying kids, but now as Christmas rolled around and we had a pattern going, things were running more smoothly.

"Oliver don't you dare write on that wall!" I looked up from my magazine and Marlene had Serena in one hand along with a mop in the other.

Marlene had been on bed rest for weeks and since her scar was mostly healed she really wanted to do more around the house. But right now I could tell she wishes she was back in bed.

I stood up and gave a deep yell over to Oliver who was about to draw on the wall. "Edward!" He stopped dropping the crayon and looked up at me. "Bedroom now!" He pouted.

"Can you hold the baby." She said yawning.

"Marlene, go lay down baby love, I'll clean up this mess." She pouted looking up at me and kissing my chin.

"You are such a good husband, I don't deserve you." She handed me the baby and practically ran to the bedroom. I looked down at Serena as she looked around with wide eyes.

"I'm gonna put you down for a nap, all swaddled up and then I'm gonna clean up this mess." She was so cute, yet such a handful.


The holidays brought us more sets of hands to help us watch both our kids, but I began feeling a bit distanced from Marlene.

I began work midway through January and when I would come home there was a bit of a distance between us. She wasn't as affectionate anymore and I realized that I wasn't giving her the proper attention she needed and deserved.

It wasn't until my birthday that I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself and sighed. "I'm thirty." Marlene stood by her sink brushing her teeth. She spits and wiped her mouth turning to me.

"Yes you are, but it's Wednesday and you work so we have to wait until Saturday for your party." She said sweetly.

"But I'm thirty and old." She rolled her eyes.

"Harry, thirty is still young, people start their lives at thirty." She hadn't called me baby or daddy in weeks. It was always 'give this to your dad' or 'Harry I need this' and it irritated me.

Of course, by now, Marlene was healed and back to normal. She constantly complained about her small tummy above her scar but if I'm honest with myself, she looked so fucking hot. "My love?" She hummed turning to me. "I love you."

"I love you more." She leaned up and pressed a kiss to my lips. All too soon she pulled away and went back towards the room. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to my chest. "Harry I need to get dressed."

"Kiss me properly, it's my birthday and I feel unloved." A sad expression came on her features and she seemed upset.

Her eyes glossed over and she began crying. "I'm sorry, I just don't feel very lovey-dovey right now I- if I'm honest I don't feel attractive. I know you're gonna say that I'm still hot and blah blah blah, but I don't feel like being seen naked or touched." She pulled away. "I'm sorry." She walked out of the room and I was left speechless.

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