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It's strange that whenever I get a phone call during times like this, I choose to ignore it.

I've been inside of Marlene and have literally grabbed the phone and turned it off so no one would bother us, especially at a time like this.

I always said if it was important they could leave a message. Who would even call me at eleven in the morning anyway, everyone knows I'm at work right now.

But then again, who would call me at eleven in the morning if it wasn't an emergency?

I pulled away from Marlene and stared at her for a second. "I really feel like I should answer that." She nodded sitting up. I walked over and looked at the name on the phone, it was Oliver's daycare. I had a sick feeling in my stomach as I slid my finger against the phone to answer. "Hello?"

"Hi Mr. Styles, it's Miss Rain from the daycare." She sounded cheerful so I took a deep breath in. She was the new daycare teacher who was a bit too perky for my liking.

"Oh yes, of course, is everything alright?" I sat down on the bed and felt Marlene's arms wrap around me kissing my back.

"Oh yes, your wife wasn't answering but she forgot Oliver's jacket here." I blinked shaking my head.

"Excuse me?" I looked at Marlene who seemed to notice my tone of voice change. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your wife Marlene came here about ten minutes ago to pick up your son left his jacket and his hat." I felt my heart drop and anger begin to build up inside of me. I quickly stood up and grabbed my pants.

"No, you see that's impossible because I'm with my wife right now so you're wrong!" Marlene looked confused.

"Isn't your wife a blonde woman, her name is Marlene?" My eyes widened.

This can't be happening.

"No, my wife has dark hair! What kind of place is this if you don't check- call the police for god sake my sons been kidnapped!" I could hear the woman freaking out. "Call them and I'll be down there in ten minutes!" I hung up and Marlene looked scared. "Some fucking woman took Oliver for fuck's sake!"

"What!" She began getting dressed. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" She ran over to the closet and grabbed the folder of Oliver's paperwork like his birth certificate and passport. We also had photos of him from recently that you could see his face clearly. It was recommended by the daycare to always have recent clear photos of your child in case of emergency. I really never thought we would have to use them. "Where are his photos-" She stopped and looked around in the binder. "His passport is missing."

"What?" She began moving stuff back and forth. "I left his passport right here after we came home, did you move it?" I shook my head and she quickly flipped the pages and began breathing hard. "Harry all of his stuff is missing!"

"Someone was in our house," I whispered. "We have to go now!" She nodded following me so confused as to what was happening.

We ran out and drove full speed towards the daycare. My mind began to wonder about who could have taken my son. I could hear Marlene crying beside me and I quickly held her hand. "It's going to be okay, I promise." She nodded but I knew she was terrified.


"Sir you need to calm down we already put out a search on your son and have the license plate of the car that took him." The police officer told me as I paced back and forth.

"What kind of idiot doesn't check identification!" Marlene yelled at the teacher.

"She had an ID with her with your name on it, I don't remember faces like miss Luna and she knew his birthday and everything." As if my world stopped I had another terrible feeling.

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