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Oliver sat down on the counter watching me as I cut a watermelon. He could always tell when I was upset because he would be very calm and stare at me in a way to show that he was always on my side.

His father was so mean sometimes and had no idea.

I understood that Harry wanted to talk to Emily, but what upset me was the fact that he made a decision to speak to her without talking to me. Even I wanted to talk to her, but I would probably end up getting arrested for bashing her face into the steel table at the prison.

Him leaving like he did make me mad but then he had the nerve to tell me that it wasn't my decision to tell him not to go.

I'm your wife you big dummy!

God, if it wasn't for how much I loved him I would have- I don't know what I would do but it would be mean! I'd probably put one of my new red bras in the wash with his white work shirts and let them turn pink.

Ugh, but he'd rock the pink!

I was mad but I couldn't be mean to Harry, he's precious and innocent. Sure he made me mad but it was the thousands of nice things he did for me that really canceled out whenever he did shit to piss me off that made me forgive him.

I heard the front door open and close and heard him calling my name. If he honestly wants to come in here and act like things are just fine and dandy, he's crazy.

"Marlene?" He walked into the kitchen just as I cut down the middle of the watermelon with a butcher knife. He placed his hands on his hips and sighed. "Princess, can we talk?"

"Uh uh, you lost your privilege to call me princess, you may call me Miss Holt." He rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, roll your eyes,  Harold, it really helps me not be mad at you." He let out a sigh and picked up Oliver kissing his cheek. "Leave my baby, he's watching me cut the watermelon, it entertains him."

He set him down and walked away towards the room. A minute later he came back and had his phone. "I love you and this is for you because I know I made a mistake."

When Harry and I began dating I had told him once that I had always wanted to be serenaded with music. Harry had a beautiful voice but was always too shy to sing out loud. He'd sing to Oliver at bedtime and occasionally would sing during sex when he tried to be funny.

(A/N: idk man lol)

"Jesus." I shook my head.

He scrolled through his phone until the music began playing. Immediately I rolled my eyes and broke into a smile as Harry began singing his wedding vows to me. "When the visions around you-"

"Harry." I sighed shaking my head.

"Bring tears to your eyes-"


"-and all that surrounds you are secrets and lies!" Ollie turns to look at me and smiled big like his dad. As mad as I was I knew that I would forgive him but I still wanted to be mad at him. I couldn't just forgive him."-I'll be your strength I'll give you hope-"

"Harry!" He stopped and turned the music off looking down. "Stop being cute when I'm trying to be mad at you." He pouted. "I'm not going to argue in front of Oliver so when he goes to bed, get ready for it." I set Oliver down and walked over to the couch to watch a movie and eat our fruit.

"Should I clean up the mess you made?" I looked him up and down.

"Well, that's a start." I shrugged.


Later that night when Harry put Oliver to bed I sat outside on the swing set and waited for him to come out and talk.

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