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For forth of July, Marlene and I decided to take our vacation days and head to the beach. She was a bit upset because of the fact that every year her family had a party and this year she wasn't allowed to go. I didn't understand what the issue with her mother is but it was irritating.

Right now I was sitting with her as she packed a bag for the few days we would be out of town. "Do you think lions are cute?" She asked me.

"Yeah, in nature not behind glass." She shook her head.

"So that's a no on going to a zoo?" I shook my head. "What about a farm, we can visit a farm and feed chickens and milk a cow."

"That sounds like fun to you?" She looked down. "I mean sure, we could-"

"It's okay baby, I was just thinking out loud." She shrugged. I laid on her bed and watched her as she walked back and forth from her closet to her bag.

"I have a question, if you smoked weed in high school, and were a rule breaker why were you picked on?" She giggled.

"I only did that at the end of my senior year. My mom would drop me off every day at the gate of the school and people would pick on me because I had to wear 'appropriate clothing for a young girl my age'. But my senior year was when I began breaking all the rules and mouthing off. I snapped."  I nodded.

"And you still smoke weed?"

"Not really, it's not as fun as it used to be, being legal and what not." I looked up at the ceiling. "What were you like in high school?"

"Straight A student with a big mop of curls and glasses. Puberty hit me and I got my first girlfriend Poppy."

"What was she like?" I thought back to Poppy and her cute ponytails, dresses, and braces.

"She was really unpopular like me, we dated three months and had sex after two weeks." She stopped packing.

"So you didn't lose your virginity to Emily?" I shook my head. "Were you in love with Poppy?"

"No, I mean I cared about her but I was sixteen or seventeen years old." I could tell she wanted to ask me a question. "What?"

"What did she look like, was she pretty?" Her tone sounded a bit jealous.

"Yeah, she had blonde hair and blue eyes."

"You had a type." I shrugged about to roll off the bed until I felt Polly jump up and lay on my stomach. "Polly you're blonde with blue eyes too." I pet Polly and she meowed at her. She nodded as the cat meowed and then laughed. "I know Polly, I'll tell him. She says what attracted you about me?"

"Yes, Polly is asking the question." Thick sarcasm in my voice. "Well Polly, Marlene is so fucking beautiful, that I have a hard time controlling my penis from getting hard." Marlene suddenly jumped on top of me and straddled me kissing my cheek.

"I like you." She kissed my cheek, I loved when she was in a playful mood.

"I like you more, we should get going." She pouted. "Why the pout?"

"Well, you just said I made your penis hard but not why?" She sat up.

"Your eyes are beautiful, they sparkle every time you see something you like. Your lips are perfect, plump and ready to kiss and bite." I ran my finger under her bottom lip. "Your body is so sexy, curvy and you have the softest most beautiful glowing skin." She looked down at my lips, or so I thought.

"Have you ever trimmed your nose hairs?" She wiggled her pinkie under my nose.

"No." I sighed after she ignored everything I said. She stood pulling me by my arm to the bathroom where she sat me down on the toilet seat and looked through her cabinet. She seemed to be procrastinating packing her bag and I knew something was bothering her. She found a pair of tiny scissors and washed them, cleaning them with rubbing alcohol.

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