strictly business

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I can remember the first day I met him. One of my very best friends. Thought dorky at times, Fergal Devitt has always been quite the charmer. The first time we met was actually an accident. It was my first day at the Performance Center and my clumsy ass was so excited that I knocked into him on my way in the door. He smiled and helped me up off the floor and introduced himself. The rest is history.

I smiled as I watched Fergal put Colby, also known as Seth Rollins, into a headlock. These two were always bickering with each other. And it was always because of me.

Colby and I have been seeing for a little over four months and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. Colby was always jealous of Fergal and I'd friendship and he's always worried that Fergal is going to "make a move" on me. But I know Fergal and he would never do that. But, they always made it their personal mission to beat the hell out of each other.

"Come on Finn!"

I heard Mercades yell from across the ring. Mercades is my other best friend...well most of the time. Sometimes we can get ourselves into some pretty heated arguments but we still love each other at the end of the day. Besides, she is one hell of a competitor.

"Come on Seth! Tag me in!"

I yelled as I extended my arm out. I smiled as Colby tagged me in and I quickly jumped into the ring. I hit Mercades with a few clotheslines and a few right hands to the face. That's when I set her up for the Bayley-To-Belly.

"1! 2! 3!"

The crowd yelled as I pinned Mercades for the win. I smiled as Colby came into the ring and picked me up. I placed a kiss on his cheek while the referee handed Colby his Universal Title and me the Women's Championship.

"I love you baby!"

Colby said as he put me down and we exited the ring. Once we got to the gorilla Mercades and Fergal congratulated us on our win.

"You kicked ass out there Pam!"

Fergal said as he hugged me. I smiled as I glanced over at Colby. He was clearly fuming about the hug. I said goodbye to Mercades and Fergal and followed Colby towards the locker rooms.

"You good baby?"

I asked him as Colby wrapped his arm around my waist. I hated when Colby got mad about Fergal. It just seemed so petty to me. I mean, I'm his and he knows that.

"Yeah. It's just Fergal pisses me off. He's trying to get close to you. I can tell. And he needs to know that you're my girl."

"Everyone in that locker rooms knows that I'm your girl. We run this place baby. You're the universal champ and I'm the women's champ. We're the biggest threat here and everyone knows it. We're not stopping now."

I said as I smiled. Colby returned the smile as he cupped my face and kissed me. I know this feud between Fergal and Colby may never end but as long as I got my guy, then I'm good.

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