going insane

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Mercades' POV

"Where is that motherfucker?"

I mumbled under my breath as I kept walking around the backstage area. I needed to find Fergal before his match so I could beat his ass. When I finally spotted him in catering with Andrew and Chad, I walked over and punched him in the face.

"Woah, what the hell?"

Andrew yelled as he separated us.

"That's what you fucking get making Pam jump off a balcony you son of a bitch! She was trying to kill herself because all you do is fuck with her head and you're trying to take her daughter that you never even loved!"

"She's my daughter too!"

Fergal spat at me.

"Barley! I've been there for Pam and that baby girl more then you ever have! And now that you're destroying her life again, Pam had no other choice but to fucking kill herself because she's so miserable. If you get that baby girl I swear to god I will fight with everything I have with me to get that baby away from you. You're a fucking piece of shit!"

I yelled as I grabbed his cup and threw the contents out at him. I threw the cup at him and walked away.

Pamela's POV

I wiped my tears away as My Mom rubbed my arm. I wish I was just fucking successful. I don't want to be alive. All I want is peace and I can't even get that. I looked up as a knock came from the door.

"Hi, my name is Danielle with Child Protective Services. Can I talk to you Pamela?"

She asked.


I sniffled. I already know where this is going.

"Where's Kaileah's father at?"

Danielle asked me.

"He lives in Orlando. He's never been in her life."

"Well, do you think he'd be able to take her in?"

"Please don't take my daughter away from me. She's all I have left."

I sobbed.

"Well, we're going to have to give custody to Kaileah's father until your mental health is okay. I'm sorry. You can file for visitation once you're cleared."

Danielle said as I sobbed harder. She left the room as My Mom hugged me.

"This is just like what happened with Brinley. I lost all my babies. I have nothing to live for anymore. Everything I ever loved is gone."

I sobbed into My Mom's shoulder. There's no reason for me to get my mental health in check if I have no reason to live.

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