who's really responsible

163 5 2

Mercades' POV

I pounded on Fergal's door as I took a deep breath. Pam just up and left my house while I was asleep and that's not like her. And I have a bad feeling this fucker has something to do with it.

"What do you want Mercy?! You already woke Kaileah up!"

Fergal yelled at me.

"Where is Pam?!"

I yelled as I crossed my arms.

"I don't know! Isn't she at your place?"

"No! You better not have hurt her worse then you've already have!"

I said as I grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him onto the wall.

"Why don't you talk to her boyfriend and see where she is?"

Fergal said as he pushed me off of him.


I said as I pulled my phone out and dialed Colby's number. No answer.

"I'll call Brenda to go and check on her."

I said as I dialed Brenda's number.

"Mercades, you know I love you and I know you're on the other side of the country but it's really early for you to be calling me."

"I know. I'm sorry it's just...Pam left Orlando and no one knows where she is. Can you go check her apartment?"

"Of course. I'll call you in 10 minutes."

Brenda said as she hung up. 10 minutes later Brenda called me.

"What's going on?"

I asked Brenda as I heard sniffling on the other line.

"Pam jumped from her second story window. Her legs are definitely broken and I can't find a pulse. I called an ambulance."

"Okay, I'll be right down."

I said as I hung up and shoved my phone into my back pocket.

"I'm coming with you."

Fergal said.

"The fuck you are. You did this to her. You told Kaileah that Danielle was her Mom and then told Pam that she faked a miscarriage. This is your fault Fergal. And it's probably Colby's fault too. Just stay the fuck away from her. And what I said when you got Kaileah stands. Pam
might not be able to get custody or visitation after this so I'm getting that baby girl away from you."

I said as I turned and walked to my car.

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