it's what you deserve

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"How do you feel?"

Leah asked me as I rubbed my eyes, I just kept getting weaker and weaker. I couldn't even lift myself up on the bed. My chest still hurts and it's still hard to breathe.

"Worse. Can you help me up?"

I asked her. I basically depended on Mercades and Leah to help me. I'm still stressed about Fergal and it's really not helping my condition.

"You need to quit stressing if you want to get better."

Leah said once she helped me sit up.

"I can't. All I have on my mind is Fergal. And it's constant. I miss him so damn much."

I said as I wiped my tears away.

"I know you do. I know how hard it is with a break-up but you really can't stress over it."

Leah said as I sighed. She's right but...I just can't stop thinking about him.

Mercades' POV

"Open this fucking door Fergal!"

I yelled as I pounded on his door.

"What do you want Mercades?"

Fergal asked as he opened the door.

"What do I want?! I want you to get your fucking head out of your ass and be a fucking man for once! Pam had a fucking heart attack because of you. She nearly lost the baby that you're too much of a dick to accept is yours. That girl loves you so fucking much. Why? I don't know. Cause all you've done is cause her pain. I would've washed my hands of your years ago but Pam sees something in you that she loves. And that girl has been nothing but loyal to you. You were the one thing she had left once Brinley and Kieran died and you tossed her to the side like she's nothing all because of fucking Colby! And quit holding the damn teddy bear over her head. It was three fucking years ago, let it go. Now you better start being a fucking man and be there for her and your baby."

I said. I slapped Fergal across the face to maybe slap some sense into him and walked to my car.

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