break my heart

370 17 5

I smiled as I got out of the taxi and looked up at the hotel that Colby is staying at. The past few days with Colby have just been pure bliss and I wanted to surprise him at his hotel after RAW. I grabbed my duffel bag from the back to the taxi and begin walking into the hotel. I asked the person at the service desk for a key up to Colby's room and raced to get up there.
I'm just so excited to see someone that I think is the love of my life. I really do love him.

I smiled as I opened the door to Colby's room. But my smile quickly dropped as I walked into the room and found him fucking some girl. I gasped as I caught their attention.

"Pamela! What are you doing here?"

Colby as as he quickly pulled out and covered himself up.

"I came to surprise you. But now I fucking get why you didn't want me to. How long has this been going on Colby."

"Pam, don't-"

"How fucking long Colby?!"

I yelled as I got in his face. He sighed as he looked down at the floor.

"Five Months."

He said. My heart broke.

"So you've been cheating on me the whole time we've been dating? That's great. I fucking loved you Colby! I ruined my relationship with Fergal and fucked my career up for you Colby! But you've been fucking cheating on me?! I hate you! I never want to see you again."

I yelled at him. I reached into my bag and pulled out one of the pairs of lingerie I had packed for tonight.

"Happy five month anniversary Colby."

I said as I threw it at him. I rushed out of the hotel room with tears in my eyes. I can't believe I let him play me like a damn fool. He manipulated me and made me believe that he loved me. I feel so damn stupid.

I walked out of the hotel and sat down on the curb of the street. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just sobbed. I stayed like this until I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up to see a beaten up Fergal sitting down next to me.

"What's wrong?"

Fergal asked as he rubbed my shoulder.

"Why do you care? I slapped the taste out of your mouth. Colby beat the living shit out of you. Why do you care about me?"

I asked.

"Because you'll always be my best friend Pam. No matter how many times you slap the taste out of my mouth."

Fergal said as we both laughed a bit.

"Well, Colby has been cheating on me the whole time we've been together. I just caught him fucking some girl. He played me like an idiot."

I said as I wiped my tears.

"Oh Pam. You don't deserve him or to be cheated on."

Fergal said as he hugged me. I rested my head on his shoulder as more tears seemed to fall down my face.

"I thought he loved me. I sure as hell loved him. I gave up everything for him and he backstabbed me. Maybe I wasn't good enough for him. Maybe I wasn't pretty enough or good enough at wrestling. What the hell did I do wrong?"

I asked Fergal.

"You did nothing wrong. You're beautiful and an amazing wrestler. He's an idiot for even thinking about cheating on you."

Fergal said. I nodded as I hugged him.

"So, where are you staying tonight?"

Fergal asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I was gonna stay with Colby but that clearly didn't work out."

I said as I sighed.

"C'mon. You're staying with me."

Fergal said as he grabbed my wrist.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Fergal said as he guided me into the hotel and took me up to his room. Once we got to him room, I was eager to change out of my clothes and go to bed. I just wanted to forget about this whole damn day.


I yelled as I looked through my duffle bag.

"What's wrong?"

Fergal asked as he came out of the bathroom shirtless. I looked him up and down as I admired his abs. He surely loved to flaunt those things.

"All I packed is lingerie cause I was gonna give Colby a good time. I have no clothes."

I said as I sighed.

"Here. Take some of my clothes."

Fergal said as he threw a pair of shirt and shorts with me.

"Thank you."

I said with a smile. I quickly got dressed and went to go to sleep on the couch.

"Nope. You get the bed. I'll take the couch."

Fergal said.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm more then sure."

Fergal's said with a smile.

"Thank you so much for everything."

I said as I hugged him before getting into bed and falling asleep.

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