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"How's your breakfast pumpkin?"

I asked Brinley as I fed Kieran.

"Good Mama."

Brinley said. I furrowed my brow as I noticed that she was using her left hand to eat instead of her right hand.

"What's wrong with your arm sweetie?"

I asked her. Brinley looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I placed Kieran in the living room on his body pillow and walked back to examine her arm. I slowly rolled Brinley's sleeve up to see that her whole arm is bruised and she had a bump on her arm.

"Okay, I'm taking you to the hospital Brin."

I said as I put her place in the sink and got her and Kieran ready to head to the hospital.


I placed Kieran on my chest as we waited for the doctor to come back with Brinley's X-Ray's. I'm already fuming that Fergal never took Brinley to the hospital so for him and Cathy's sake, they better hope her arm is okay.

"Okay, so we got her X-Ray's back and her arm is indeed broken. We're gonna cast her up and you need to make an appointment with a doctor."

The doctor said as I nodded. If I thought I was angry before, I'm furious now. Fergal or Cathy broke my little girl's arm. And they'll pay for this.


I sucked my teeth as I got out of my car. Mercades is watching the kids at my house so I'm gonna confront Cathy and Fergal. I walked up to the door and pounded on it. When Fergal opened the door, I immediately slapped him.

"How could you?! One of you fuckers broke Brinley's arm! You're sick fucks!"

I screamed at Fergal as I shoved him into a wall. I walked farther into the house and found Cathy in the living room.

"I hate you. I fucking hate you!"

I yelled as I grabbed her by her hair and smashed her face into the end table.

"Don't you ever put your fucking hand on my daughter again!"

I screamed at Cathy's bloody face. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a big knife from the knife block. I threw it in Cathy's direction but she ducked and I missed. Then I felt Fergal hold my arms back.

"Don't touch me! I wouldn't be shocked if you broke her arm at this point!"

I yelled at him. I punched him in the nose before I walked out the door and got in my car. It felt good to get that anger out. They both fucking deserve it.

hard to get | baylor (completed)Where stories live. Discover now