back together again

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"I came over as soon as I got your text. I'm so sorry he did that to you."

Colby said as he hugged me. I texted Colby once Brinley and I got home because I needed someone who just wasn't one of the girls. Besides, he's my friend. I have every right to text him.

"He just keeps hurting me Colby! I guess I'm only worth $300 to him."

I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shh, don't cry. Honestly, speaking as your friend and not your ex, he doesn't deserve you. You're an amazing girl and Mom."

Colby said as he rubbed my back. I wiped my tears as I sighed.

"I just hate doing this with him. I love him so much and he treats me like dirt."

I said.

"Like I said, he doesn't deserve you. But you should make a visitation plan with him and Brinley. That is her dad."

Colby said as I nodded. I grabbed my phone and pulled up Fergal and I's text messages.

To: Fergal 💗
If you want you can come visit Brinley then you can on the weekends. She's NOT coming to your house. I don't want Cathy around her in the slightest. I know you have shows this weekend but this is the only time I'm willing to make. Don't respond to this text. Either show up or I'll get the message.

I sighed as I slid my phone back in my pocket.

"Can you stay for a while?"

I asked Colby.

"Of course."

He said as we walked into the living room.


"That ending was so stupid."

Colby said as I laughed. Colby and I watched a movie while Brinley went to sleep.

"Oh, calm down. It was just a movie."

I said. I smiled as I looked over at Colby.

"You know, even if you aren't pregnant, you're still glowing."

Colby said as I blushed. That's when Colby grabbed my face and kissed me. And I'm not pulling back. I tried to make amends with Fergal. It didn't work. I sent him a visitation plan. He either comes on the weekend or he doesn't. I'm moved on. And moved on to Colby.

"I missed you so much."

Colby said as I smiled.

"I've missed you too. I fucked up when I got with Fergal. The only thing I don't regret from that relationship is Brinley. But I've missed you."

"Then be with me again. I'll be loyal this time. I promise."

"Then yes. Just please don't break my heart again. I've been through enough heartbreak."

I said.

"I won't break your heart again. I promise. And if Fergal won't step up, I'll be a good dad to Brinley. I'm so happy to have you back."

Colby said as he kissed me. Fergal has happiness with Cathy and I have happiness with Colby.

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