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I was lying in my bed dreaming about our vacation to Australia that was about to happen, when my mum knocked on my door and came in.

“Are you all packed?” She asked with her sweet and loving voice.

I nodded slowly and got out of bed to go get my suitcase that I had thrown on the floor earlier that day.

“I just have to go get my toothbrush and make-up and then you can drive me to Emma’s, okay?” I suggested.

“Of course, I’ll just grab my keys and we’ll get going.”

I went to the bathroom to get my things and stopped in front of the mirror. I looked at my long, brown, curly hair and pulled my fingers through it a while before I decided to pull it in to a ponytail on the top of my head.

“I can’t believe I’m going to Australia, my lifelong dream.” I said to myself whilst adjusting my ponytail.

I heard a knock on the door, and my mum asking me from outside if I was ready to go. I answered her with a quick yes before closing my make-up bag and adjusting my ponytail once again, and got out of the bathroom.

I put on my white converse and grabbed my suitcase with me out of the door and in to the car.

“Be safe now, okay honey?” My mum said while she started the engine. I could tell that she is worried about this trip, and how I will be able to take care of myself in a country that’s so far away.

“Aren’t I always?” I laughed slightly.

“Don’t play with me, Jessica. I mean it. Don’t do anything stupid, and getting in trouble. We don’t want last summer repeated, thank you very much.” She said with a harsh tone.

I can’t blame her for behaving like this. I was kind of a mess last summer, and I can’t take back the things I said and did. I’m trying to get over the things that happened in the past, and my mum rubbing in it my face like this isn’t exactly helping.  

“I’m not that person anymore, mum. Let it go, please. I need this trip and you know that I do.”

“I’m just watching after you, it’s my job. Don’t you understand?”

“I understand that it’s your job to look after me, mum, but please try to let it go. I have, you should too.” I lied. I’m so not over the things that happened, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Fine, I’ll try.” She said in the same moment we pulled up to Emma’s house.

I grabbed my suitcase from the back of the car, and gave my mum a quick wave through the car window.  I immediately spotted Emma through her window next to the door and the next second she opened it.

“How excited are you?!” She almost screamed as she ran to hug me.

“I’m so excited!” I screamed the way she just screamed at me, and hugged her back. 

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now