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As we walked outside the hotel doors the heat struck me extremely hard.

“I’m not used to this heat at all.” I said. “What about you?”

“Me neither, but it’s nice though.” Ella answered me.

We walked down the street, and we found a few stores that we wanted to check out. Emma bought a lot of stuff, but I guess that’s how it’s like when you have extremely wealthy parents.

“There’s a park over there, should we get some ice cream?” Emma asked.

We decided to go get some ice cream and then we sat down on a bench. Just sitting in the sun, and enjoying the heat was wonderful. I really like the summer and the heat, but in England it’s snowing right now. It’s nice to get away from all the bullshit at home for a while.

We talked for a good 15 minutes when we spotted four guys carrying guitars, and something that looked like a box walking to the center of the park.

“Wait.” Emma said. “Isn’t that the guys from the airport?”

I took a closer look and realized it was the same four guys. The waiter told me that they were a famous boyband. How can they even walk outside then?

“Are they having some kind of show or something?” Ella asked more to herself than to us.

The boys stopped in the center of the park, and started to pick up their guitars and the box which turned out to be a drum. They sat down and started talking, and a few girls started to show up. The girls sat around the boys and after a while a circle had been formed around them.

“Oh, they are having an acoustic show! Here in the park!” Emma exclaimed. “Shall we go watch?”

We followed Emma’s suggestion and we went over to watch the boys perform. We didn’t sit down though, we stood and watched them.

There were four guys, one with a blonde quiff and a lipring, one with extremely white hair, one with blonde curls and sunglasses, and the last one looked kind of Asian and he was wearing a snapback. Wow, they all looked like they could be models or something.

“They are extremely hot!” I whispered to Emma who nodded in agreement.

“I call dibs on the curly headed one!” Ella exclaimed.

Emma sighed and gave Ella an evil look, witch Ella responded to with her sticking out her tongue at Emma once again.

“These guys are obviously about to go worldwide famous soon, are you sure you actually have a shot with him?” I asked looking over at Ella.

“A girl can dream, right?” She said with a dreamy tone.

We decided to get back to our bench, a little bit away from the boys and all the crazy girls. As we sat down, Ella started talking about how she was planning on getting the curl’s number.

“They will walk by us, like they did before and I can just run up to him and ask.” Ella planned.

“Fine, but don’t drag us with you, please Ella.” I laughed.

“Oh yes, you guys are coming too!” she said. “Look! Here they come! Come on, get up you idiots!”

We walked up to the boys and Ella started talking away. That girl is not afraid of making a fool out of herself, I promise you that.

She actually managed to get the guys number, whose name were Ashton. When they were finished talking, Ashton introduced the others.

“Oh, and this is Michael, Luke and Calum. My bandmates.” Ashton said with a sweet smile. “You girls are not from here, right? England maybe?”

“Yeah, from our accents!” Ella giggled.

“Uhm, we have to get going.” The guy named Michael said to the boys. “It was nice meeting you though!”

“I’ll call you!” Ashton yelled back at Ella when the boys started to walk away from us.

“Told you!” Ella sing-songed at us and waved the note with Ashton’s number on it in front of my face.

“Ugh, get that thing away!” I said. “Fine, but you have some kind of superpower with guys, I don’t even understand.”

 We decided to get back to the hotel room and just relax for a while.

“I need some food.” I said. “Since I ate like 2 hours before you, I’m going to get some food. Do you want to come?”

They both declined and I got out of the room, and walked in the hallway to get to the elevator that was about to take me down to the lobby.

As the elevator doors opened I saw a boy already standing there.

“Hey, Luke, right?” I asked the boy, since I remember him from earlier that day.

“Yeah, that’s me. You’re Ella’s friend, right?”

“Yeah, sorry. She didn’t introduce me, I’m Jessica and my other friend we were with is Emma. We’re here on vacation.” I said awkwardly.

“So, you guys live at this hotel too?” He asked. “It’s quite expensive for three teenage girls, don’t you think?”

Uhm, wow, rude.

I just looked over at him, and gave him a warning look as I got out of the elevator.

I could sense he was still walking behind me, so I stopped and turned around.

“Here to insult me some more?” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“I’m here to eat lunch, just like you.” He said with a smirk.

I don’t need to be disturbed by some stupid boyband guy. I highly dislike his attitude. Who even says things like that? The fame obviously had gotten to his head.

I saw him walk over to his friends that apparently were waiting for him.

I picked up the menu that was lying on the table and read through it until I decided what to eat. The waiter came up to me, and I ordered my food.

While I was waiting for my food, I pulled up my phone from my back pocket. I texted my mum saying I was alright, liked a few pictures on Instagram and checked up on my friends on twitter.


The next day Ella received a call from Ashton, they were going out for lunch together. Since I told Ella about bumping in to Luke in the elevator and us staying in the same hotel, they were going to meet up in the lobby.

Ella ran around the hotel room like a crazy chicken, looking for make-up, shoes and clothes. She has a tendency of doing this before she goes on a date.

“You look fine, babe!” I exclaimed to her.

“You really think so?”

“Do you honestly think I would lie about that, silly?” I asked.

She just shook her head and walked towards the door.

“Uhm, Jessica?” she asked me. “Walk me downstairs?”

I just laughed at her and followed her out of the door.

I could tell Ella was nervous, she was twirling her hair in her fingers and that’s a sign of her being nervous.

“You’re going to have a great time.” I said as the elevator doors opened and we walked out.

Ashton sat on a chair, with his Asian friend next to him.

Ella greeted Ashton with a hug, and Calum and I gave each other a weird look. Wow, he’s even hotter up close.

“Hi.” He said quickly.

“Hey.” I responded just as awkward.  



Tell me what you think about my story so far, guys! 

Lots of love, e

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now