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When we got back to the hotel the sun was almost gone, and it was starting to get dark outside.

“I had a nice time.” He smiled as he entered the elevator before me.

“I didn’t, I mean you’re just annoying.” I laughed.

“You think I’m hilarious!” he exclaimed.

“Don’t flatter yourself, stalker.” I smiled.

The elevator stopped and I got out.

“Want me to walk you to your door?” Calum asked.

“I think I’ll be fine on my own.” I smiled.

“Well, can I at least get your number?”

“We’ll see about that. Stalker.” I laughed and the doors closed in front of him.


We all had breakfast together the next day, and everyone were a bit to quiet so I raised my voice.

“What do you want to do today?”

“How about we go for a boat ride during the day?” Michael proposed.

“Oh, gosh! That would be so much fun!” Ella said.

“Let’s do it!” Luke exclaimed.

We all cheered for the boat trip that was about to happen, and raised our mugs with coffee in the air.

“When everyone’s ready we’ll go up to our rooms and get ready and we’ll meet down in the lobby at noon. Sounds good?” Ashton asked.

“Sounds great.” Ella smiled at him.


We all got back to our rooms and packed all the things we could possibly need. Emma and Ella were struggling with what to bring so I decided to just go down before them, and wait in the lobby.

When the elevator doors opened, I saw a familiar face.

“Cal.” I smiled.

He looked up from his phone, and gave me a warming smile.

“Hi, Jess.”

I got in the elevator and stood next to him, and resting my butt against the handle.

“Why do we always manage to meet in this elevator?” I asked.

“It just brings us together, I guess.” He laughed.

I couldn’t help but notice that when he laughed he scrunched his eyes and had an open smile. He looked adorable.

“I guess it does.” I replied with a smile.

The elevator doors opened and we got out to see no one was in the lobby, which gave me and Calum some more alone time.

“Did you have fun on our little date last night?” he asked.

I turned my head in his direction quickly, seeing him already watching me.

“That wasn’t a date. We went for a walk, and swam a little.” I explained.

“And we talked, and told secrets, and laughed. I would count that as a date.” He chuckled.

“I wouldn’t.”

He sighed.

“Fine, whatever you say. I think our date was great.” He said with extra push on the date-word just to annoy me.

I gave him a small push on the shoulder and laughed.

“Stop it. I hate putting labels on things.” I said. “But I had a great time too, if you’d like to know.” I smiled.

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now