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AUTHORS NOTE: Hi guys. This chapter is really really bad. I'm sorry about that. I just needed Jess and her mom to bond a little bit and for her mom to loosen up a little bit. 

it's a v v v short chapter, but i'm starting the new chapter later tonight! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR READING I LOVE YOU ALL XXXXXX


*at the airport*


I talked to Calum earlier today and we decided not to tell the boys about what happened between us. Not yet. None of us had any idea where this was going anyway, and I didn’t want to find that out right now. Here at the airport, leaving the boys behind for a week. It feels longer than a week, but I’ll see them again soon.

“Bye, you tiny ass shit.” Ashton says as he hugs me tightly and lifts me up so I’m hanging in his arms, more or less.

“Let me down or I’ll never hug you again.” I joked.

He put me down and raised his hands in defeat, and gave me a smile.

I exchanged hugs and goodbyes with Michael and Luke too, and I stopped in front of Calum.

“See you in a week, okay?” he says as he grabs a hold of my wrists and puts them around his neck so I could give him a hug.

I hugged him tightly and breathed in his scent, he smelled amazing. His touch made my body loosen up a bit more than before, and I let out a long breath.

The speakers let out an annoying little song and changed to a woman’s voice letting me know that I had to board my plane.

I loosened my grip around Calum and took a hold of my handbag instead. I gave the boys a wave and started walking to my gate.

Right before I walked in to the doors that were going to lead me to the airplane I turned around to see Calum looking at me. He gave me a nod and I couldn’t help but smile. He is such a boy.

I walked in the long hall amongst a lot of other people. It felt like we were walking for ages before we finally reached the plane. I was looking for my seat, and luckily I had a window seat.

I sat down on the extremely uncomfortable plane seat and found my phone in the bottom of my pocket.

I decided to text Calum before I was forced to turn it off.

To: Cal.

- I’m in my seat, I’ll give you a call when I’m in London. 24 hours or something, right? Yay…

From: Cal.

- Have fun with that ;-)

To: Cal.

- Hard saying goodbye to you. I know it’s only one week but I really want to kiss you again.

From: Cal.

- You are going to get so sick of me for wanting to kiss you all the time when we meet, I swear to god – I’m the biggest kisser. X

I grinned at my phone and started to write a reply.

The flight attendant told me to turn off my phone and so I did. Not being able to respond to Calum’s text.

Well here goes 24 hours of boredom.


As I waited for my luggage I couldn’t stop thinking about Calum. In fact, I had thought about him for the entire plane ride. He really is something special that guy, I’m so happy that we live in the same city.

I spotted my bag and took a hold of it, and almost fell over because of my clumsiness.

I started walking towards the gate where I knew my mother was waiting for me.

I saw two arms, filled with bracelets waving at me over the crowd.


“Hiii honey!” she said, dragging out the hi.

“Hi mom.” I smiled and gave her a hug.

“How have you been?” she asked me and started to look around. “Where’s Ella and Emma?”

Oh, Emma and Ella. I hadn’t thought about them at all the past week.

“They went home earlier. They accidentally booked the plane ticket one week earlier.” I was surprised with how quick I came up with that lie.

“Oh, so you were left alone?” she said with concern.

“No, no. We made some friends down there that I hung out with. They live here in London too!” I said with a smile.

“That’s great sweetie.” She smiled and we started walking out of the airport.

We got in the car and I decided that I had to talk to her about my past, and how she’s been acting around it.

“Mom?” I whispered.

She turned my head to me and hummed.

“You know how I’ve been before… Like partying, and boys…-“ I started explaining.

“Yeah?” she said, a tad annoyed.

“I need you to know that I’m not that person anymore, and you have to stop punishing me for things I did, or things I didn’t even do.”

She sat quiet, just watching the road ahead of us.

“It was really hard for me to get out of, and you know I’ve worked my ass off to become a better person! Everything isn’t what you think, mum…”

“I had no idea you felt that way.” She said with a crack in her voice. “This trip made some in pact on you, didn’t it?”

“Yeah… I guess it did.” I said as I looked out the window and zoned out.

When we arrived at our driveway mum stopped that car, and turned her body to me.

“I’m going to stop with the judgmental behavior, if you continue being honest with me.” She said. “Tell me what you’re thinking about and such.”

“I promise.” I smiled and got out of the car.

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now