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Okaaay, so sorry i haven’t been updating lately. I’ve been busy with work and just relaxing in general, sorry friends. Anyways here’s a new chapter and it’s been like 5 days since the last chapter and they just hung out and gotten to know each other. Ok, you ready? Ok.


“You’re leaving soon mate.” Ashton reminded me.

I sighed.

“Why even remind me off it you idiot?” I laughed.

“We don’t want you to leave you know.” Michael said and smiled at me.

“Nah, I like it here. But we’ll see each other back in London, yeah?”

“Of course we will, we can’t just leave you hanging now, can we?” Calum said.

I chuckled.

“Promise me that we’ll keep in touch.” I said to all of them.

“Pinky promise.” Calum said and grabbed my pinky with his.

“You’re such a little boy.” I laughed as I pushed him over.

“Honestly though, we promise.” Luke smiled.

These four boys, with crazy accents and wonderful personalities had made me feel extremely happy. I’ve never felt this kind of happiness before. Like I finally belong somewhere.

“BUT!” Ashton exclaimed and made me jump. “We have one more day to do fun stuff, before you leave. Because you leave Sunday right?”

“Yeah…” I whispered as I looked down and cracked my fingers.

“And it’s Friday night….” Ashton was thinking out loud.

“Yeah?” Luke was obviously confused.

Ashton gave Calum and Michael a look and me and Luke just sat there looking like two dorks not knowing what was going on.

“CLUBBING!!” they practically screamed and started to jump around the hotel room.

Me and Luke thought it was a great idea and joined the others that were dancing and being crazy fools.

“Okay boys! How much time do I have to get ready?” I asked, since I obviously need some time to make look somewhat nice.

“I’m thinking… 20 minutes or so?” Michael proposed.

“Are you kidding?!” I shouted. “20 minutes?” I let out my breath.

“Okay, you diva, 45 minutes.” He said. “Happy?”

“Happy.” I said, and smirked at him.

I walked in to the small bathroom that the boys and I were sharing. I started the shower and stuck my hand in the water waiting for it to get warmer. When it was a pleasant temperature I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower.

When I had rinsed of all the dirt from the day I picked up my hairdryer and started drying my hair. I shook my head forwards and backward while I was standing in my towel, trying to get my long and thick hair dry.

Out of the blue, the door opens and Calum is standing there with his mouth wide open.

We stare at each other for a long time until I realize that I’m practically naked.

“Get out, you loser!” I said as I threw another towel at him.

“I’m going, I’m going! I’m out.” Calum walks out of there and I let out my breath.

What the hell was that?

When my hair and make-up was perfect I made my way to my suitcase and bend down to grab the only dress I packed for this trip. My thigh high black dress with grey sequins all over the front, and with a low back.

I walked over to the full length body mirror and scanned myself, top to bottom.

My hair is curly, my eyes are dark, and my dress looks great.

“That will do.” I say to myself and take another look in the mirror.

I hear footsteps around the corner and see Calum coming my way.

“Jess, are you re-“ he starts to ask, but stops when he sees me. “Wow.” He breathed out.

“What were you saying?” I smirked.

He walked closer to me and his eyes starts examine mine.

“Uhm…” he starts out. “A-are you reade?” he stuttered.

I let out a breath and we were so close I could almost feel his heartbeat.

“Yeah, ready.” I said as I cleared my throat and backed away. “Shall we go then?” I smiled as I walked past him out to the other boys.

The boys were sitting in the couch, obviously waiting for me and Cal.

“Are we going or what, you lazy kids?” I exclaimed as I walked in to the room.

They all stood up and made our way to the door.

Michael, Luke and Calum walked out of the door first and Ashton held the door open for me.

“Wow, what a gentleman.” I chuckled.

“Sorry, old habit.” He laughed, a bit embarrassed.

“No, it’s alright! It’s sweet, Ash. Don’t be ashamed! Your future girlfriend can see herself very lucky.” I smiled sweetly at him.

“Thank you. Ready to party?”

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.” I chuckled.

Ashton laughed as we joined the other boys in the elevator.


The club was absolutely packed with people. Everywhere I turned it was a new face and I was feeling a bit mushed.

I don’t know how but somehow we managed to get ourselves a table, and Luke and Michael went over to the bar to get us all drinks.

Me and Calum sat on one side of the table and Aston on the other.

Calum leaned closer to my ear. “Planning on getting drunk?” he whispered, but loud enough for me to hear, and smirked.

I turned my head at him slowly, and he was still leaning towards me.

“Only if you take me home.” I said as I looked in to his wonderful brown eyes. 

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now