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I was lying on my bed, relaxing after the really long flight. School didn’t start until two more days so I had a few days to catch up on Englandtime again.

My phone started buzzing and I saw Emma’s name on the scream. My stomach turned inside out, and I chocked on my own saliva.

Should I answer? I mean, they left me in Australia because Ella got mad. Friends don’t do that to each other.

I pushed the green button on the phone and pressed the phone against my ear.

“Hello?” I breathed out.

“Oh my god, Jess! Thank you so much for answering me, I just really need to apologize. It was a dick move of me to go with Ella, and I regret it so much. It didn’t feel right to leave you behind in a country you don’t know and with guys you don’t know, may I add. But you know Ella… I can’t say no. If I would she would’ve hate me forever.” She said all in one breath.

“Why is she mad at me anyway?” I asked, even though I knew exactly why.

“You know why.” She said with a firm tone.

“Why does everyone keeps punishing me for my past and things I didn’t even do? I’m so fucking sick of it.”

“Can I come over?” she said, without answering my minirant.

“Yeah, whatever.” I sighed.

She hung up and I sighed again, throwing my phone across the bed as I laid down on my back with my hands over my face.

“Seriously…” I moaned in to my hands.

10 minutes later I heard a car on my driveway and I guessed it was Emma. I heard her signaturenock on my door and I went to open it.

Like I thought, there was Emma. She looked at me with an apologizing smile.

“I’m so sorry.” She whispered and looked down at her feet.

“It’s fine. I don’t have the energy to fight with you. Ella on the other hand…” I trailed off.

“Can I come in?”

I moved to the side so she could make her way inside.

I plopped down on my bed and Emma sat next to me.

“So, how was the last week?” She asked cautiously.

“It was great, actually.” I smiled remembering all the good times I had with the boys and Calum.

I wasn’t sure if I should tell Emma about me and Calum or not. Maybe not yet.


We talked for a good 2 hours before I sent her home and went to bed, but after I decided to give Calum a call, since I forgot to do it at the airport.

I pressed the call button and tried to count how much time difference there is, but with my nonexistent math knowledge I screwed up.

“Hey you.” A half groggy Calum said in to the phone.

“Hi, what time is it?” I asked quickly.

“Uhm..” he said and I heard him moving on the other side. “8 in the morning.”

“Shit. Did I wake you up?”

“Yeah, but I’m supposed to be up soon anyway so it doesn’t matter. I’m just happy you called.” He said with his scratchy morning voice.

I smiled at his cute comment.

“Fucking hell, you’re voice right now I the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.” I confessed.

“Hm, really? Because I think your ass is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I felt my cheeks get hot and I chuckled in to the phone.

“Don’t make me blush.” I giggled.

“How you’ve been?” he asked me.

“Good. I talked to Emma.”

“Oh? And?”

“We made up, but I seriously have no interest in talking to Ella. She’s a bitch.”

“Don’t be so harsh, Jess.”

“Oh, so you think that what she did was right?” I got annoyed.

“No, that was extremely fucking mean but you don’t have to call her things like that…”

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

“What? A bitch? I’m sorry, Cal, but I’m so pissed at her.”

“I know you are, and so am I.”

I didn’t answer and we were quiet for a while when I heard Calum ruffle on the other side of the line.

“Uhm, I’m thinking I should tell the boys about our make out session.” He said.

“But Cal… We have no idea where this is going.” I pointed out.

“I really like you, Jess. I want to see where this goes, and the next step is telling the boys.”

“I like you too, so I think you should tell them.”

“The next step after that is waiting for me to get home and we can be together. Plus if I tell the boys about you and me liking each other we can kiss at the airport when you come and pick us up!”

“Who said I was picking you up?” I teased.

“You can at least meet us there?” he said and I heard he was pouting.

“I’m kidding, idiot. Of course I’ll be there!” I laughed. “And I am going to kiss you until you get sick of me, Cal.” I said referring to his text earlier on the plane.

He scuffed and giggled.

“Anyway, I really need some sleep. Text me later, okay?” I say as I hung up the phone and pull the covers over my face and drifting of in to a deep sleep.



Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now