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“Are you guys’ hungry? I’m starving!” I said while we were waiting for our suitcases to arrive.

“Oh my god, yes! We ate like four hours ago!” Ella said and picked up her suitcase since it was the first one to arrive.

“You are such a guzzler, Ella!” Emma laughed.

“Well, at least I know how to eat compared to you” Ella responded and stuck out her tongue at Emma.

After a few minutes my suitcase arrived, and so did Emma’s. We were all hungry so we stopped at a Subway that were at the airport. While we were sitting there eating our sandwiches we saw a group of girls screaming and running towards the gates.

“What was that all about?” I laughed.

“I bet Justin Bieber is here or something.” Ella giggled.

Emma laughed and gave Ella a warming look.

“Maybe he’s here to ask for your hand, Ella.” Emma teased.

“Oh shut up!”

The screams grew louder and I couldn’t help myself but watch what all this craziness was about. I heard the sound of several cameras going off and snapping pictures, and then I saw the main sources of the fuss. Four tall boys were walking out of the gate and got escorted by security to a room, and the door closed quickly behind them.  

A waiter walked past us and I stopped her.

“Uhm, sorry to bother you. Who are those boys over there, the ones that are causing all the drama?” I asked completely unaware of what was going on.

She smiled at me with pity and said:

“Oh, I can here you’re not from here. That’s 5 Seconds Of Summer. Australia’s most famous boyband.” She shrugged and walked away.

“Well, would you look at that” Emma said. “Can we get going to the hotel now, or what?”

Because of Emma’s impatience we got out of the airport and got in to a cab that drove us to the hotel.


I paid the driver and thanked him politely for the ride. We struggled with getting our things out of the trunk but in the end it all worked out.

When we walked in to the hotel lobby I was stunned. It was amazing.

“Wow.” Ella breathed out.

“I know, right?! I hope you like it because I went through a lot of trouble to even get us in here!” Emma said, both proud and a bit annoyed.

“Wow, Emma this is incredible..” I sighed.

Emma walked up to the reception and started talking to the receptionist. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about but I couldn’t care. I was occupied with admiring the hotel.

“Jessica? Are you coming?” Ella asked me and snapped me out of my gaze.

“What? Yeah, I’m coming!” I answered as I quickly got in to the elevator.


Emma opened the door to our room with the cardkey and led us inside. Once again we all sighed and threw ourselves on to the three beds.

“These beds are like clouds!” Ella said with a dreamy tone in her voice.

I stood up from my bed and switched my jeans into sweatpants. It felt so weird to me that at home it’s snowing and over here it’s summer. Luckily this hotel room has air-condition so I can walk around in my sweats.  

We stayed in our room the rest of the days, mostly because we were so tired and didn’t have the energy to get out and do something. We still had to stay awake though, because of the time differences.

After we had dinner down on the street I was so tired, that I went to bed straight away.


The next morning I woke up pretty early, and saw the others still asleep. I decided not to wake them up and go get breakfast in the lobby on my own. I could use some alone time right now.

When I got down to the breakfast buffet I was stunned, once again. There was so much food, and I felt my stomach vibrating and yelling for food.

I grabbed my food, and found a table where I sat down and enjoyed my alone time.

I like being alone from time to time, and observe what other people are doing, and how they do it. This is exactly what I did during breakfast, observed all the people that were around me.

When I finished my little observing session I walked up to the room again. When I got in the room I realized that my friends were still asleep.

“Are you serious?” I whispered to myself.

My evil and playful side woke up and I decided to pull a prank on them. I got into the bathroom and filled two glasses of water and got back in the room where the girls were still asleep. Since the beds stayed next to each other I could pour the water on them at the same time, and that’s exactly what I did.

When they woke up and realized what I was doing they started screaming and they tried to hide under the blankets.

“JESSICA HARLEY!” Emma screamed, fairly angry.

“Sorry!” I laughed and ran over to my bed.

“Not okay, Jessica.” Ella said angry.

I just continued laughing and watched them both soaking wet.

“Revenge awaits you, my friend.” Emma said, trying to sound intimidating.

“Oh, I’m not scared of you.” I shrugged.

“You should be, girl.” Emma laughed.

“Breakfast time?” Ella asked with hope.

“I’ve already eaten, but I want to take a shower and we can go out when you come back?” I suggested to my hungry friends.

They agreed and went downstairs and left me in peaceful silence.

I went in the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I turned on the water and waited for it to get heated, and got in front of the mirror once again.

“Unbelievable.” I said to myself. “You’re in Australia.”

I gave myself a smile in the mirror and got in to the shower. The hot water felt good against my skin and to remove all the England germs of my body felt even better.

When I was finished with my shower I started to get ready. Blow-dried my hair, then straitening it and putting on my everyday make-up. I was quite happy with the way my appearance turned out, and I gave myself a smile in the mirror again and got out of the bathroom.

My friends were waiting for me, looking annoyed.

“What?” I asked carefully.

“How long were you in there for? We have been waiting for about 20 minutes, and we’re already finished with everything!” Ella laughed.

“I’m sorry!” I laughed. “Are you ready to go?”

“Well, yes!” Emma laughed.



I'm very new at this with writing stories and such but i'm doing my best. 

This chapter was just a filler, and the good things are about to come! so stay tuned my queens. Lots of love, e

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now