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AUTHORS NOTE: It’s been like 5 days since the last chapter. Ok.


School started and everything was the same, except I was avoiding Ella. I had no plans whatsoever to talk to her. I didn’t do anything wrong and she just exploded on me and called me a slut. She had no right. Of course I won’t talk to her. Emma tried to convince me a couple of times, but I fucking refuse. No way.

When I got home that day, Calum called me.

I obviously pressed answer and brought the phone to my ear.

Me and Calum had been talking almost every day this week, skype, messages, FaceTime, all that jazz.

“Hi.” I said with a sweet voice in to the phone.

“Wow, someone’s in a good mood.” I heard the voice that I now know all too well.

“Of course I am! You’ll be here in like 30 hours, how can I not be happy?” I laughed and thought about how it was going to feel to be close to him again.

“The boys really approve, I forgot to tell you.” I could hear him smile through the phone.

“They do?” I squealed.

“I miss you…” he moaned in the phone.

“I miss you too, honey.” I said with my voice about to crack. “Okay, I have to go before I start sobbing.”

“I’ll text you before I board later today so you know that I’m on my way.” He rushed out.

“Sounds good. Bye Cal.”

We hung up and I threw my phone on my bed and decided to go and grab something to eat.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and made my way over to the couch, starting Netflix and I choose to watch friends. I love friends because you can jump in to any episode and you really don’t have to worry about following anything.

My phone buzzes and I realized I had fallen asleep. It’s a text from Calum.

From: Cal.

- About to board, I’m in London at 10pm tomorrow, be there or die ;-). See you soon! X

To: Cal.

- Can’t wait, I’ll be there! X

I didn’t get a response to my last text but I figured he was told to turn off his phone.

I went to the bathroom and washed of all my makeup and take a quick shower before heading to bed.

The water felt great against my skin, and stood there for a few minutes just thinking about Calum. Wow, is he ever going to get out of my head? I guess not.

I laughed at myself and turned off the water and got out.

Even though I slept the entire day it felt amazing to be in bed again. I put my phone to charge overnight and I drifted off to sleep.


My alarm clock made its annoying sound and I turned over to my nightstand to turn it the fuck off.

“Ugh.” I moaned and rolled over to the other side again.

Calum gets here today.

That thought made me jump out of bed and I felt extremely awake by now.

I danced in the kitchen, ate my breakfast and went downstairs again to do my makeup and all that us girls do to look somewhat presentable.

I grabbed my car keys and an apple before heading out to my car.

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now