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“How was it? Details, details!” Emma shouts at Ella as soon as she opens the door to our room, after her date with Ashton.

“He’s nice.” She shrugged.

“WHAT?! That’s it? He’s nice?! Ella, what’s the matter with you?” Emma exclaimed.

“I’m kidding, idiot. He’s amazing, sweet, caring and he liked my dress.” She blushed.

“When are you meeting him again?” I asked.

“Later today actually, and so are you two. He invited us to their room to play some videogames and just hang out.”

“Isn’t that quite awkward?” I asked. “I mean, we barely know these guys.”

“Oh, Jessica! You used to be the one who did all the reckless things, loosen up.” Emma said.

“I’m not that person anymore.” I whispered to myself.


Ella knocked at the door to the boy’s hotel room and Ashton opened it. Ella and Ashton gave each other a quick hug, and he led us in the room.

“I didn’t properly introduce my friends to you yesterday. So, this is Jessica and Emma. My two best friends.” She introduced us to the boys, who were watching us.

“It’s nice to meet you again.” Emma told the boys.

An awkward silence spread around the room when Calum spook up.

“Who wants to play FIFA?!”

Ashton, Ella and Emma sighed and declined.

“I’d love to, I’m great at FIFA.” I bragged with a laugh.

“I bet you are, but Calum is even better.” Michael laughed and teased.

“Well, then he better prove it right now.” I said and looked over at Calum and gave him a challenging look.

“Oh, it’s on!” He laughed while he started the game.


“I told you, didn’t I?! I told you I was better than you at this!” I laughed and punched Calum on the shoulder.

“I guess you’re no longer champion, Cal.” Michael laughed.

Calum pouted with his mouth like a child, and then it turned in to a smile.

“I guess congratulations are in order?” He said, and held out his hand for me to shake.

I took his hand in mine, and shook it.

“Thank you.” I said while looking in to his dark brown, lovely eyes.

His look lingered, and so did his hand.

I snapped out of my gaze when Ella came in the room with Ashton and Emma behind her.

“Wow, what’s going on here?” Ashton asked.

“I kicked his ass in FIFA!” I said and gave Calum a smile.

“She’s great, I’ll tell you that.” Calum told Ashton.

Emma let out a loud laugh.

“Since when are you in to videogames?” She asked.

It’s obvious that she doesn’t know this about me. Neither does Ella. I don’t tell people way to much information about myself. I don’t think it’s necessary and it rarely happens that I find someone I can tell everything about my life. I don’t think there’s much to tell about me anyway, I’m just a normal girl. There’s nothing to tell.

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now