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I was not the one that got absolutely wasted. Calum was. He was all over the place, being a happy little puppy with his long legs.

After I gave him that flirtatious comment he started drinking like there’s no tomorrow.

“What did you do to him?” Ashton laughed in my ear as we watched Calum on the dancefloor.

I laughed. “He was the one planning on getting me drunk and I guess it just turned around.”

Ashton nodded and grabbed his beer that was on the table.

“I really hope that you won’t leave me behind when we get home.” I said to Ashton. “All of you.”

“We have a lot to do, but I promise you that we are going to do our best to keep in touch with you. We don’t have a lot of friends in England. I mean we’re still just a small band.”

“You seemed pretty popular the day I met you guys.” I pointed out.

Ashton laughed and we saw Calum approaching us. He sat down next to me and put his arm over my shoulders and leaned closer to my face.

“Hi.” He said with a drunken smile and a small giggle.

“Hey, you stink.” I said referring to his breath that stank of alcohol.

“So do you.” He said, still wearing his drunken smile.

“Can you stop smiling like that?” I said and covered his mouth with my hand. “It’s freaking me out.”

He giggled and moved my hand from his mouth. He stopped his movements and was still holding my hand in his.

He looked down at our knees where our hands was, and changed their positions to his knee. His next move took me by surprise. He intertwined our fingers and rested them on his knee.

I looked at him, and he tilted his head up at me.

“Are you okay?” I asked him with a smile.

“Yeah.” He said quickly, our fingers still intertwined. “Can we go back to the hotel?”

“Yeah, of course. I’ll just go and tell the guys.” I stood up and dropped Calum’s hand.

I walked over to the bar where Luke, Michael and Ashton was talking and drinking whatever the hell they were drinking.

“Calum is absolutely smashed. I’m taking him home. Any of you want to come?”

“No, I’m not feeling ready at all.” Luke said. “Plus. I’m taking that girl over there home tonight.” He said pointing at some girl across the bar.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, big guy.” I teased. “Bye guys, see you tomorrow.”


When we arrived at the hotel, I placed Calum on the sidewalk and gave the taxidriver some money.

“Give me your arm.” I told Calum.

“Why?” He said with a grumpy drunk attitude.

“For support, dipshit. Come on.”

He threw his arm over my shoulders, and we started walking towards the elevator.

I pressed the button and moved Calum to the hand rest so he could lean against the wall.

He looked down at his feet, utterly quiet for an extremely drunk Cal.

“What´s up, Cal?” I asked him.

“Nothing.” He mumbled.

“Okay, you need to stop!” I exclaimed.

He looked up at me.

“With what?” he asked me with a puzzled face expression.

“These fucking mood swings! It’s driving me crazy.” I said, a bit annoyed.

“Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind.”

The elevator stopped and he gave me his arm again, and we did the same thing as before.

Calum gave me the room key and I opened the door for us.

I lead him over to the couch and sat him down.

“Do you want some water?” I said, making my way over to the kitchen.

He nodded.

I started filling a glass of water and heard Calum open his mouth.

“Thank you.” He said, my back turned at him.

I looked down at the glass and turned off the water.

“No problem.” I said as I walked over to the couch and handed him the glass of water.

He drank the whole thing in about 1,7 seconds and I laughed in my head.

“Really. Thank you.” He whispered looking up at me, since I was standing in front of him.

“Don’t worry about it, Cal. Stop.” I giggled.

“Sit down.” He ordered me in a sweet tone.

I sat down next to him and put my legs over his, as he rested his elbows on them.

“I know that you’re worried about us leaving you behind, but I promise you – I won’t.” he said acting pretty sober.

“How do you even know that, Calum? You have no idea what’s going to happen in the future! You’ll be a famous band and you’ll forg-“

He interrupted me.

“Forget you? I’m sorry but I’ve never met anyone that has given me this much inspiration and happiness like you have. And we’ve known each other for two weeks! Two weeks, Jess…” the last thing he said almost came out as a whisper. “That’s got to mean something.”

I was stunned with the confession he just had made. I had no idea I made such an in pact on him.

“You’re important to me.”

I just realized he was still drunk as hell and I decided he should be put to bed, because it’s been way too much talking for tonight.

“Okay, drunko. We should get you in to bed.” I stood up and gave him my hand, so he could get up.

We opened the door to his room and I turned the lights on so we could see what we were even doing. Calum walked over to his bed and crawled under the covers.

“Goodnight, Cal.” I said as I turned off the lights and opened the door.


“What now?” I said, a tad annoyed.

“Come here.” He said and tapped on the empty space next to him.

I sat down and turned my head at him.

“What’s the deal with all these serioustalks?” I smiled.

“Who said anything about serious?” he laughed and traced his fingers on my knee.

He looked at me, and the butterflies in my stomach went nuts.

“You’re drunk…” I breathed out.

He leaned closer to me and rested his body with his hand behind me which just got him even closer to me.

“Just a little bit…” he whispered.

I cleared my throat and got up.

“Goodnight, Calum.” I said and practically ran out of there. 


Things are getting romantic! yeeeeah, but everyone knows that this is about jess and cal, and you should expect lovelovelovelovelovelove in this story bc i'm a softie. xxxx

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now