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I woke up with a smashing headache, trying to remember last night. It was a great night at the club but I got sick of the loud music and all the drunken people, so Jess and I went back earlier.

She took me home. I was supposed to take her home, she freaking told me. Only if you take me home… Was that an invitation?

I sighed. I shouldn’t overthink this.

I got out of bed and made my way to the shower since I was feeling disgusting from last night. Out in the hall I bumped in to Jess.

She was looking at me with her beautiful eyes.

“Goodmorning, sleepyhead.” She said quickly and continued walking wherever she was going.


When I was finished with my shower I got dressed and went out in the kitchen. I poured myself some cereal and ate it in the couch with the rest of the boys.

“Feeling good today, Cal?” Michael asked me.

I just gave him a grunt and continued eating my cereal.

“Where is Jessica?” Ashton asked and looked at me.

“How should I know?” I spat.

“I don’t know, you’re just the one who knows her the best, why wouldn’t you?”

“Oh my god. She’s probably in her room.” I sighed. “Do you think that I know everything she does?”

“Just drop it.” Luke interrupts.

“Fine.” I said and got up to put my bowl in the sink.

Since we were talking about Jess I decided to go to her room.

I knocked the door and she told me it was alright to come in.

She was busy packing her stuff for her flight home later this afternoon.

“Oh no.” I breathed out. “Already?”

“Yeah…” she sighed.

I sat down on her bed.

“You don’t remember anything from last night, do you?” she asked.

“You took me home, right?” I guessed. “You told me I was supposed to take you home, but I guess that ship sailed pretty early.” I laughed.

Her cheeks shifted from pink to bright red.

“Gosh…” she breathed out. “You remember that, but not the rest of the night?”

“Jess, what are you talking about?” I laughed a bit. “What have I done?”

“I mean, you were pretty drunk, but…” she started out.


“You were like… Coming on to me?”


Then I just went with my first instinct and stood up.

“Like this?” I whispered and wrapped my arms around her waist.

I saw that she took a deep breath and thought about what she was going to answer.

Apparently she didn’t have an answer and just looked at me. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my back as I walked over to the wall for some support.

“What are you doing..?” She breathed heavily.

“Doing what I thought I didn’t have the guts to before.”

She flinched like she had no idea what I was talking about.

“Oh come on, you can’t deny the tension, Jess.” I said with a serious tone.



“Oh come on, you can’t deny the tension, Jess.” Calum said with a tone that I’ve never heard before.

I think it’s time for me to stop pretending like I’m naïve and unaware of the things I was feeling towards Calum. I had no idea what the hell it was but for some reason I just kept fighting it. Now, when I’m pressed against the wall with Calum between my legs – it’s extremely hard to fight my feelings.

“Fine.” I caved.

He let out a long and heavy breath.

“I’ve wanted to tell you, but my affection for you is undeniable. I know we’ve only known each other for two weeks, but damn – you’ve got me under your spell.”

I had no idea what to respond to his confession.

“I dig you so much.” I said.

What?! I dig you? I DIG YOU?! Fucking idiot, Jess.

“You dig me?” he said, with extra push on ‘dig’. “That’s interesting, because I dig you too.”

With that he pressed his lips against mine, and I couldn’t help but smile in to the kiss. He put me down on solid ground making sure our lips never lost contact. Because of the extreme height difference between Calum and me he had to bend down to reach my lips. My hands moved up to his hair and I slightly tugged at the ends of it. His hands moved further down my back and I soon realized where they were going, and I started to giggle uncontrolled in the kiss. He stopped kissing me and opened his eyes.

“What’s so funny?”

I kept laughing and buried my face in his chest.

“I’m sorry…” I said in-between my laughs.

I tried to calm down, and believe it or not, I actually did it.

“Okay, continue.” I said as I licked my lips and wrapped my hands around his neck.

He started kissing me again and this time I didn’t felt the urge to laugh and ruining the moment we were sharing.

I’ve never been kissed like this. It felt amazing. I had kissed a lot of boys, but they were all just jerks and idiots. This felt so different, and soooo good.

“I really have to pack my stuff.” I said in between kisses.

“No.” he said firmly and put both of his hands next to my head so I couldn’t get out.

“Stop it, or this” referring to the kissing scene “isn’t leading anywhere.” I teased.

He awed and moved his hands away from the wall so I could walk past him.

I walked over to my bag and I couldn’t stop smiling. I felt Calum watching me from behind.

“Can you at least sit on the bed so I can see you?” I giggled.

He sat down on the bed and raised his voice.

“You dig me.” He laughed.

Damn it. My mouth and my brain are not cooperating at all.

I let out a sigh and gave him a glare.

“Don’t worry, I dig you too.” 


Sorry about this chapter. i'm not extremely happy with it but yeeeaaaah they are kissing and showing affection yeyyyy.

vote and comment, love u guys x

Unexpected - A Calum Hood fanfic *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now