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I don't own Voltron.
The bluntness of Shiro's voice makes everybody's shoulder's droop, even Keith's. Lance watched as the older boy sighed and crouched, picking up his jacket and trying to pull it on. He ran over to help, but Shiro stopped him. He stared at Shiro in confusion, Keith was obviously struggling!

"Keith, stay behind, Lance, get out of my sight." He flinched away from Shiro,  at the anger his tone carried and looked hopelessly at Keith as the korean teen sighed and lowered his head. Lance bit his lip and hurried out the training room, heading towards blue, not realising Shiro had locked the door from the inside.

After sitting with blue and letting her sooth his doubts he headed to the kitchen to help with Hunk with tea. Tonight was some alien pasta type stuff with the space goo, as the castle had limited supplies at the moment.

"Hey dude, can I help you?" He asked as he waltzed in the room. Hunk nodded as he stirred the pasta stuff and added a weird leaf thing.

"Yeah, can you, if possible, get plates out and sort the cutlery out please?" The larger boy replied, slightly distracted with his task. Lance nodded and eagerly set about with his task, leaving seven plates on the side for Hunk when he served, and separating the cutlery into knives and sporks. Once he was done, he leant against the wall as Hunk laid the pasta down on the plates and started carrying them too the food goo station.

"I'll go tell the others that you're serving up!" He chirped, and, at Hunk's nod, he danced back out, heading to the control area to tell Allura and Coran.

"Guys, Hunk's got food ready." He called, and the two alteans turned to look at him.

"Thank you, Lance." Allura said gracefully. Coran echoed her and they both walked towards the kitchen. Lance then headed towards Pidge's room. The youngest paladin answered the door before he could knock and tilted her head too the side.

"Dinner?" She guessed with a slight smirk. Lance huffed and nodded, stepping to the side so that she could get passed. She chirped out a "thanks" as she skipped towards the kitchen.

'Right, that leaves Keith and Shiro.' He thought too himself as he headed towards the training room. As he got closer he could hear Shiro shouting and then broke out into a run, worried that something was wrong. He reached the door and almost ran into Shiro, who had just finished talking too Keith.

"Hey! Dinner's ready!" He said looking up at Shiro. The older man smiled and walked past after thanking him. That left Keith, who looked dead on his feet.

"Babe? You ok?" He asked carefully, and got a nod from Keith. Lance hummed and grabbed the older boy's hand, easily interlocking their fingers and making the paler teen smile.

"Let's go get some food, yeah?" He asked, and Keith nodded. They walked in silence too the kitchen, where the others were waiting. The whole time, Keith was silent, which was quite unusual for when the two boys were alone. "Are you ok?" Lance finally asked after observing the way Keith seemed to duck his head and how he was limping ever so slightly. The korean boy jumped and nodded.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the left. Lance hummed and kissed his forehead, quickly dismissing the thought from the front of his mind.

"No reason, you just looked deep in thought." He said. Keith looked slightly suspicious but shrugged and they carried on walking to the kitchen. Keith was still quiet though, and Lance idly wondered if it had something to do with Shiro. When they arrived at the kitchen, Keith seemed too loosen up more and started talking happily too Pidge as he got himself some food. Lance couldn't help but feel that Keith was hiding something, putting on a facade to fool the others. He wasn't buying it. Neither was Shiro from the look of it.

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