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Tw for decapitiation and shit writing.

I tried to add a couple of prompt's together, one of them being wAsTeOfSpAcEPeEpS prompt but I think I failed abysmally. Sorry.

I don't own Voltron.


"No! You don't understand! You're always the one who people talk to, people think about, you're the one with 'issues' and it pisses me off! There are no signs of you needing any medical help whatsoever! You like to whine and be all dramatic when you don't get your way but it's all fake! You want to think you have something wrong so you can justify having everyone dote on you but the cold hard truth is that there is nothing wrong. So what if you have some self doubt, we all do, so what if you got bullied, we all did! So what if you get homesick, at least we all still have a planet to go back to! You need to learn that you are lucky with what you have, a nice loving family, people who try to understand and the security that you are human, because I don't have that Lance."

Keith couldn't care less as Lances face fell and his body slumped. He was sick of Lance being able to get out of  because ' he didn't feel happy.' Lance was lucky he was actually feeling something, and not the all - consuming numbness that Keith seemed to have as his default feeling.

"Keith that's harsh, Lance does have issues." Shiro said, looking at him with that little crease in his brow. Keith hissed angrily.

"Does he lay staring at the ceiling all night? Does he purposefully train until he physically collapses? Does he, whenever we go to a planet, get thrown dirty looks and called names, does he get attacked by aliens because he's basically the enemy! Does he know what it like to be tied to a table and have someone promise you they're going to make you suffer because you deserve it for being Galra! Has he ever had to break out of Zarkon's war ship on his own because his team didn't need him!? Tell me! Has he had to do anything like that?!" Keith hadn't meant to start shouting or get misty-eyed. He just needed to make them understand that Lance was exploiting them all! He opened his mouth to say something, only to get hit in the face by something metallic. Shiro. Shiro had just hit him. He allowed himself to stumble back and fall, cracking his head against the floor. He didn't bother holding back the tears now.


Shiro stared at his hand with growing horror at what he'd just done. He'd broken his sacred promise, the one thing he should never break. He'd intentionally hurt his younger brother.

"Shit! Keith, I'm sorry I don't know what came over me!" He said, quickly moving towards where Keith was starting to sit up only to watch as Keith flinched away from him. He gulped at the fear shining in his eyes and felt his heart crack as a crystalline tear made it's way down Keith bruised cheek. Said crack grew wider when Keith whimpered and sobbed out a croaky plea to stay away from him.

The team watched helplessly as he stumbled to his feet and towards the door. He stopped at the doorway, turning and meeting Shiro's eye.

"I'm sorry I'm a burden on the team." He whispered and was out the door before Shiro could react. Silence reigned in the training room.

"Well shit."


Shiro sighed as he took in the galra ship that was way to close to the castle. It was a warship, big enough to actually require all lions to bring it down. It was less than ideal, considering they were basically a paladin down. Keith hadn't left his room, and the only hay he'd known he was alive was because the red lion was pissed at them all.

"Shiro I have to set off the alarm." Allura said quietly. Shiro nodded, and set off towards Black's hanger. He waited for the other paladin's in black's cockpit, and briefly wondered if Keith would actually show up. He was suprised to hear the "let's get this over with" from him but frowned when Keith didn't say anything else, completely ignoring the others.


They shot at the ship for a while and decided it was worth seeing if any info was on board, so Keith and Pidge were nominated to go aboard. Pidge was slightly worried about what Keith could do but shook it off as they both entered the cruiser. Keith then waited for her while she hacked the computer, sword drawn and eyes sharp, waiting for any sign of a threat.

Pidge was 75% done when she heard the choked off scream. She quickly turned to look and screamed herself when she saw the head lying on the floor. The other paladins asked if she was ok and what was going on but she didn't answer. Horrified hazel met terrified indigo and Pidge forced herself to swallow and breathe. She took off her helmet to help and left on on the floor

Once she had calmed herself she took a risk and hugged the trembling teen tightly.

"I won't tell if you won't, you were only doing your job. I'm not angry." She said, making sure to keep her words clear. Keith nodded slowly, subdued and she sighed.

The computer beeped at her and she quickly jammed her helmet on, taking the key that now held the data in on hand and Keith's wrist in another.

"We got the info, now heading out." She reported, getting an affirmative on her report. She sighed in relief as settled in Green's cockpit, watching red out of the corner of her eye, wondering if Keith was as ok as he was acting. He had just beheaded someone after all.


A few hours later Keith sent her a message on her com, asking her to come to his room. She messaged him back and then changed quickly into more suitable clothing, then leaving and turning right, looking at the door next to her. It slid open and she stepped in, jaw dropping as she took in the scraps of paper on the wall, all asking things like "why me" and "I don't want this anymore."

"I... I need to ask you a question." Keith said and she jumped, falling out of heaven and looking around for Keith. She found him huddled in the blanket on the bed and gingerly sat down.

"What's up? She asked. "Did the others have a go at you? Cuz I'll hit them if they did." She promised and grinned at the slight smile that adorned Keith's face. The mood dropped a minute later and Pidge sat up straighter as Keith allowed the blankets to fall messily around him. She waited in silence, patiently giving Keith time to collect his thoughts.

".... I think I'm going mad... or turning into a psychopath..." He finally whispered and Pudge made a curious noise.

"Why? She asked and Keith shrugged.

"I just... don't care... about anything... at all. It's like my emotions have been sucked down a drain."

"That isn't being a psychopath. Thats.... something I don't know. But you are not a psychopath, ok? Pidge said quietly. Keith nodded hesitantly. "Whatever is wrong, we'll fix it, ok? I'm not going to let you suffer." She said quickly, pulling him into a side hug.

Keith relaxed and she smiled.


I'm sorry this is shit!! And don't make sense!!!

Some of you want a third part to 12 and 13 but I have no idea what to write, can you help me out with idea's please?

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