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This was requested by @BrooklynKG who reminded me of my love for making characters blind, deaf, mute etc. AGAIN THANK YOU!

I do not own Voltron. If I did I don't think it would be a child friendly show....


The battle had been brutal, with plenty of bloodshed. Voltron had emerged victorious, but at a price. Yeah, sure, they defeated the robeast, and destroyed Hagger's ship, possibly killing the witch for good.

But team Voltron weren't celebrating. Instead they were crowded around a pod, their faces ranged from tearful to grim.

Hunk was continuously wiping a steady stream of tears off his face as he watched Coran work with anxious eyes. His left hand was rubbing Pidge's back as she sobbed and hiccuped into his top. Shiro and Lance were more angry then upset, both boys having seen exactly what the bitch had done before getting thrown into space.

"Will he be ok?" Lance asked, staring at the too pale face that was suspended in front of him.

"It's hard to say... physically, he will be fine, there will just be heavy scarring, but he may never  be able to talk again..." Coran murmured. The elder man grimaced at the grizly claw marks that were wrapped around Keith's neck. He was surprised that the boy was still alive. The witch should have destroyed his windpipe and he should of died. But the only damage the pod picked up on was the fact that the paladin's voice box had been damaged almost irreparably, and he wasnt sure that the pod could fix it.

"How long will he be in there for Coran?" Allura asked. The Altean was standing behind the other paladins, and she had a calculating look on her face.

"Why?" Lance said, turning towards her to snarl the word. "So you can send him straight back out? So that you can taunt him too taking down someone that could kill him quicker than you could blink?!" Lance spat angrily. The other paladins turned towards him looking shocked.

"What? I never-" Allura started, a shocked look on her face.

"Bullshit. I heard you tell Keith to go get those documents, yet Keith said no because he knew Haggar was in there! You knew she was! Yet you still told him 'not to worry. It doesn't matter that they were probably the only way of safely beating Haggar.' That was taunting him into fighting her!" Lance snarled. "Ever since he's come back from the blade you've treated him differently! You act like he's your slave! Newsflash Allura, he's not. You think he wants to find out he's part of the race that were fighting? He didn't. Get the fuck over yourself Allura, your not the centre of the universe." Lance muttered, he was aware of the others gaping at him, but he really didn't care at the moment, Keith could of died, and there was no way in hell that Lance was going to forget any time soon. He wasn't going to forget Keith's choked off scream of pain either.

Flashback & POV Change

The smoke made it hard to breathe, or maybe it was the fact that there was a ton of rubble attempting to bury him. He realised his helmet was missing and cursed quietly, they didn't have the resources to make another.


"Dude where are you?!" That was the boys, Keith and Lance may fight like cats and dogs but they worked together damn well when the situation called for it. He tried to move, but he couldn't even budge an inch so he called out instead.

"Keith! Lance! I'm over here!" It was hard to speak. He coughed after he had managed to get enough air to get their attention. After the fit subsided he tried to get up again. Only to have a hand press him down.

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