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I dont own Voltron


Shiro sighed from where he sat at the table. The hearty yells from the alien race made it hard hear what the Hart was saying next to him, and the crowd made it hard to see the other paladins. He finally stood up and looked over the Hart's heads. He found Lance easily, the blue paladin was surrounded by girls, and he was sitting by the bar area. He watched as Lance chatted animatedly, his hands waving around. The female Hart's were entranced, gasping out when needed. Hunk and Pidge were next too him, both adding their own bit when Lance forgot what happened. The three paladins looked quite content, but Shiro felt like someone was missing. He looked around, cool gray eyes scanning the ballroom for red and white armour. His eyes finally landed on Keith, watching in confusion as he was dragged out of the room. The red paladin was stumbling and the whole spectacle set of alarm bells in his head. He kept his eyes on the doorway as he turned his com on.

"Guy's we've got trouble. Someone just dragged Keith out the room."

"Dragged? You sure? I last saw someone getting him to drink something neon blue. He could just be drunk." Lance reasoned.

"But why take him out the room? Surely if Keith was drunk then he would be helping him too one of us? And why would Keith even get drunk in the first place? Keith isn't careless, I think Shiro's right when he said that something's up." Pidge said, standing on her chair too look around herself.

"What should we do?" Hunk asked quietly, barely audible over the chatter.

"Split up, Lance and Pidge, go through the right arch and turn left, me and Hunk will turn right." Shiro said.

"Got it, we staying on coms?" Lance asked as he stood up too. The three of them headed in his direction.

"Yeah, Keith was still wearing his helmet, he might try and contact us. Lets go." The four of them fought their way too the right arch and then out into the much less crowded space. The two pairs nodded at each other and split up.

"Lance, Pidge, stay close close to each other, we don't know what happened." Shiro said quietly, keeping an eye on Hunk as they moved stealthily down the doorless hall.

"Got it!" Pidge chirped and Lance shrieked.

"He didn't mean climb me!" He squawked, and Hunk chuckled. Shiro smiled when Lance and Pidge giggled, but it didn't sooth the worry eating at him.


Hunk sighed, as he turned another corner, this doorless corridor was getting annoying.

"Our side of the arch is clear Shiro, all the rooms are empty and dusty." Pidge reported and Lance sighed.

"Ok, start heading back this way." Shiro said as they turned another corridor.

"Rodger" They both said.

"Shiro, look..." He suddenly said, staring at the two doors that were sitting innocently at the end of the corridor.

"I see them, you take one, I'll take the other." Shiro murmured softly. Hunk nodded and moved to the left door, Shiro standing in-front of the right. He took a shaky breath and pushed the door open. In the light he could faintly see a body chained too the wall and his heart jumped into his throat when he realised it was Keith.

The raven had been stripped of his armour, leaving him in his flight suit. He didn't look injured from what Hunk could tell, but he was still shackled too the wall. He quickly moved and broke the shackles. He caught Keith before he hit the floor but Keith made a strangled sound and tried to move away from him.

Hunk watched with wide eyes as his limbs jerked, refusing to move properly. He watched as Keith fell against the wall. Watched as Keith began to sob and whimper, begging with a broken sort of tone. He crawled closer to the Korean, trying to make himself appear non threatening. It worked until he got close enough to touch the red paladin. His hand brushed Keith's leg and the Red Paladin began crying louder. Hunk shakes and tears up. He hated seeing his friend like this. He scoots closer.

"Buddy, it's me." He said, taking a gentle yet firm hold of Keith's face. With his thumb, Hunk slowly wiped away the tears dripping from red - rimmed eyes. It broke his heart seeing Keith in such a state: too scared and too drugged to even properly fight. "Listen to me, i'm not gonna hurt you. You're my friend and I'm not gonna let anything happen too you. I'm here to get you out, ya hear me?"

Keith stared at Hunk with dazed eyes, obviously not really recognising him. He contemplated calling Shiro , but then there was a bang. Keith whined and flinched, pressing himself against the wall more if possible. Hunk looked at where the noise had come from. Too his surprise, Shiro had pinned a Hart too the wall and was snarling something in his face. The little alien looked terrified, and was rambling about how he'd been paid to do the job.

"I don't care who paid you, what did you do to him?!" Shiro hissed, and the alien flinched when Shiro pressed him against the wall harder.

"N—Nothing bad! Grat just give serum that make scared! But he resist so Grat friend shock him and hurt him! Grat no do wrong!" Grat wailed. Shiro clenched his teeth and threw the smaller thing to the ground and stalked over too Hunk and Keith. Keith was watching him and shaking but he seemed to calm down slightly when Shiro crouched down nearish and began talking soothingly to the terrified teen. Hunk backed off slightly, giving them both space.

"kiiseu, kiiseu nae mal deullyeo?"(1) Shiro finally said, loud enough for Hunk to hear and Hunk blinked at the language. Keith seemed to relax fractionally and he nodded.

"Silo? ulileul eodi?" (2) he mumbled. Shiro shuffled closer, continuing to talk in the foreign language till Keith moved forward and hid his face in Shiro's neck. Shiro sighed quietly.

" Jamja leo gaseyo Kiiseu, naeil gibun-i naajilgeoya." (3) Shiro muttered, standing up with Keith finding and harnessing his inner koala, wrapping shaky arms and legs around the black paladin. He muttered something sleepily into the older boys neck and then was out like a light. Shiro finally turned to Hunk and the others. He looked at the three youngest paladins almost critically before looking at the boy in his arms. "I don't want you three mentioning this too Keith. The drug should be out of his system by tomorrow, so he shouldn't remember anything that happened tonight. I don't want to chance them returning because if some careless comment." He finally said quietly.

"Wouldn't dream of it Shiro. I hated seeing Keith like that." Pidge said softly. The glare on her glasses prevented him from seeing the tears gathering in her eyes. Lance had nothing to hide his eyes and the tears gathering there.

"I'm never gonna tease him about being scared again." The cuban buy murmured and jumped when Shiro snorted.

"You haven't seen Keith scared. That was nothing." Shiro muttered darkly. He walked past the others. "For now we just need to make sure he's happy."

The three of them nodded numbly and followed after him, lost in their own thoughts.
Translation courtesy of Google Translate so it may not be accurate.
(1) Keith, Keith can you hear me?
(2) Shiro? Where are we?
(3) Go to sleep Keith, you'll feel better tomorrow.

If I was to write a Klance soulmate AU story, would any of you read it?

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