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I dont own Voltron or the picture.

This was requested by someone on Ao3


When she woke up, Pidge felt like something big was going to happen today. Surprisingly, it was a good kind of big thing, which was strange considering the whole Galran issue.

She stood up, got changed and scrambled over the mountain of robotic parts that was between her and the door. No robot was getting between her and food.

Once she got out her door she brushed the dust off herself and headed towards the kitchen. She hummed too herself as she walked and wished she had grabbed her laptop too continue looking for her dad and Matt. A pang of homesickness shot through her and she shook her head rapidly to clear it. Nope, not thinking about that. She sighed and carried in walking towards the door, where she could faintly smell something heavenly. Hunk had to be cooking. That was the only logical explanation. She fixed a small smile on her face and pushed the door open.

Hunk was, in-fact, cooking breakfast this morning. Shiro and Allura were also up, talking quietly together with their heads bent towards each other. Coran was eating his food goo in the corner of the room. Pidge swore he was the only one who actually liked that stuff. Lance and Keith were both sitting at the table, and Lance looked like he was trying to encourage Keith to eat. Keith looked a bit too pale and, well, just ill in general really. She frowned at the thought of her older brother being ill. Keith wasn't allowed to get ill.

"Hey Pidge!" Hunk said enthusiastically, giving her a plate with purple goo and what looked like wood floating in it. "I made breakfast, it should taste like omelettes." He continued and Pidge smiled wider and thanked him. She sat at the table opposite the two boys and used the opportunity to observe the Korean boy.

Keith's eyes were glassy, and if she had to guess, she'd say he was running a fever. The light bags under his eyes told her he probably hadn't slept well and the way his arm seemed to be wrapped protectively around his stomach led her to believe he either felt sick or had already threw up, but she was leqning towards the former. Lance had one arm wrapped around his shoulders, and the other rubbing the arm that was hanging limply.

"Keith, c'mon, you need to eat." Lance murmured quietly and Keith shook his head. Lance sighed, and Pidge knew he'd probably been trying for a while. "Just half of it, please? You need to eat so you'll feel better quicker." Keith shook his head again and glared slightly at Lance.

"No." He muttered in a hoarse voice that had Lance sighing again.

"C'mon, you'll have everyone stop worrying about you, and you can watch movies in the rec room later." Lance said softly, hoping the bribery would be enough for Keith too eat. It was, luckily, and Pidge smiled slightly as Keith took a small spoonful. She then quickly began to eat so she could go get her laptop, today was a find her family day.

After her breakfast she quickly thanked Hunk and told Keith to get better quickly and then rushed out the door. She legged to back to her room, her sneakers slapping against the floor. Reaching her room in record time she danced madly around piles of spare parts too her laptop, cheering when she reached it and then making her way back. She hugged her laptop carefully and walked back too the kitchen, but veered towards the rec room when she heard coughing. She thought it was Keith, but someone else could be sick as well.

As she got closer she heard the muted muttering from a movie the Alteans had helped them install and the quiet chatter of voices. She poked her head inside and smiled at the sight of Keith and Lance curled up on the sofa seat thing. Keith was wrapped in a blue blanket and his head was on Lance's stomach. Lance was talking quietly and running his fingers through Keith's hair. From the way his eye's were drooping she would say it was easing him off to sleep.

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