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Yes I have used a small part of this in an earlier oneshot, but ImJustABitchSrry gave me an idea, I edited it and then I ran with it and now I have fell in love with it.
Tw for blood

"Well maybe you don't belong here at all! After all, a fucked up orphan with a sob story past that is so broken that he thinks men look better than women doesn't deserve the regal position King Alfor once had! Much less a half breed mutt who can barely take care of himself! Voltron would be much better off without you!"

As soon as the words left his mouth he regretted them, wanting nothing more then to snatch them out of the air. But the damage was done, indigo eyes widening with hurt and innocence before they clenched shut against the wave of tears. Keith turned on his heel and fled the training deck, leaving the four others staring in shock.

"What the actual fuck dude! Why woukd you say that too him! He didn't deserve that that! All he fucking wants is you to tell him 'good job' for once in his life!" Pidge hissed, actually looking ready to gut him. Hunk stood behind her, a solemn look on his usual vibrant, smily face. Lance looked angry, a scowl on his face.

"I gotta say, that was low, coming from you. Telling him that shit confirms all of his fears and insecurities! Yeah Keith's been off his game today but have you forgotten that yesterday he was poisoned? Left bleeding out on a ship set to explode? It's enough to shake anybodies confidence, and you've just been bringing him down more and more. The reaction to him being galran was bad enough! You and Allura both demeaning him and his needs! That and you think you have the audacity to tell him who he can fall in love with?! You're the one who's fucked up, Shiro. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on my boyfriend." Lance was pissed, it was obvious too see and his body language screamed 'don't talk to me'. The blue paladin strode out the room. Hunk didn't say anything, just walked out after Lance without a glance, leaving the youngest and oldest paladin's in the room.

"He really cares about you, it's a shame he can't see just how little you care about him." She whispered, looking back from the doorway. She left after that, and Shiro sighed raggedly. Why couldn't they see the monster behind the mask Keith constantly wore?


Thing got worse after that day. Keith became more secluded, skipping meals and sleeping less in favour of training more, trying to be better. No matter what Lance did he couldn't convince the elder to sit and talk too him.

Keith was pulling away from everyone, and every interaction felt like he was gearing up to say goodbye.


When Keith walked into the common room that morning, holding various things, Pidge knew something was wrong. The pale boy looked so tired, and skinny, like a slight breeze would knock him over. There was a new, fragile look to him that made her heart constrict painfully when she thought of the implications of what he might be trying to do.

The first object went to Hunk. He looked slightly confused till Keith explained it was a timer for when he was baking so he wouldn't loose track of time continuously. Hunk smiled brightly enthusiastically thanking Keith even as he pulled him into a gentle hug, as if the yellow paladin was scared to hurt him.

The next gift went to Shiro, and it made everybody's breath catch in their throat. It was a stone with intricate carvings on it, symbols that looked like Japanese, but she wasn't sure. Gray eyes seemed to soften for the first time in two months and Shiro put a hand on the red paladin's shoulder, quietly thanking him. The small, breakable smile on Keith's face had her trembling.

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