Milo x reader

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

So I was walking over to hang with my best friend Bea, who is at Milo and Oscars. I can't help it, I have a smile on my face because I'm gonna hang out with Bea for one, but the second thing is that I may have a tiny teeny itsy bi- okay HUGE crush on the childish blue fish! I finally got there thinking 'I wonder what they're doing right now'. I knocked and Oscar opened it quickly. "Oh it's just you (Y/n) I was hoping you were Be- I mean hey what're doing here?" He tried to not make it awkward but failed. "I was actually looking for Bea, she said she was here. . ." I said shyly ' curse me being so shy!!' "Oh did she?" He said laughing with a smirk on his face. "What are you and Bea planning?" They both know about my crush on him!!! "Nothing" he said laughing. . . again " can I at least come in and wait for Bea?" I asked. "Of course!" He said letting me in, once I walk in I seen Milo playing a video game while on the phone. "Hey hamster who ya talking to?" I asked using his nickname, from the time he was dating Pamela THE hamster. . . Ya I was jealous I was kinda happy when she left in a helicopter with a ugly looking hamster. "Bea she's calling for Oscar but I got to the phone because he went to answer the door" he said interrupting my thoughts. "Wait why does she need Oscar?" I asked kinda quickly "it's a surprise for Albert I think I'm kind of concentrating on my game to listen all the way. Can you get Oscar and tell him that Bea is on the phone?" He asked still looking at his game. "Ya I'll get him" I said kinda sad because he didn't even look at me! I don't even think he knew it was me! So then I found Oscar playing some random nerd game I interrupted his game by saying "hey Mr. Goldfishberg ur girly friend is on the phone!" He fell out of the chair, I knew he liked Bea so I used it against him when he tried to tell Milo's feelings. "Put a sock in it (Y/n), wait Bea is on the phone!?" He panicked so I slapped him. "Dude she just wants your help with some surprise or something" then he pinched my arm "ow" "that's for the slap, and ok" he walked up the stairs and yelled "MILO" ' I wonder what he did this time' I shaked my head then went up there myself to see what's happening. Milo left a mess, again. So then I intervened and said "He probably didn't try to, or mean to right Milo?" He looked like I saved his life! Then said "Ya I didn't mean to Oscar. I'm sorry". Oh my god he apologized! That's something you don't hear every day! Oscar looked as surprised as I do. "Well I'm gonna go see Bea at the mall now. . . Don't burn the tank down while I'm gone. Oh and (Y/n) you're in charge"  "oka- wait why me?" I asked surprised I'm almost the same as Milo, just not as messy. "Because you're more responsible then Milo, ok see you guys in less than an hour" after that he left. "So Milo whatcha wanna do?" I asked because he was just standing there being quiet for a while which is not like him either! "Umm. . . What Do y-you Wanna do?" He stuttered? Ok that's it "Milo what's wrong?" I said seriously for once. He sighs before saying "do you want the truth?" He asked like he was scared for my answer. "Of course I want the truth hamster" I said using his nickname. He blushed? "I lik- no I love you" I was to stunned to say anything! He loves me I was smiling like an idiot. "I'll take that as you want to leave" he walked to the door opening it. I walked toward him and hugged him, he was hesitant but hugged back "I love you too Milo" then I let go to see his face. Then the unexpected happened he kissed me! So I quickly kissed back, I seen a flash go off in the corner in my eye. I broke the kiss leaving a confused Milo to see Bea holding her phone and a laughing Oscar! "Bea you better not text that to ANYONE!!!" I yelled she tried to play the innocent card. I said tried "I don't know what you're talking about (Y/n)" after that being said Oscar says "look Milo's blushing!" I looked back at Milo to see he's still blushing. Then I chase after Bea to erase that picture, or at least send it to mine then erase it. "OSCAR HELP ME!!!!" Bea tries to scream for help but Oscar says "you got yourself into that situation Bea I'm not helping" "You're gonna get it now Bea" Milo joined in on the fun on getting the phone. "Now I'll help because you can't out-run both of them!"

Word count: 868

A/n yay!!! My second story so now you can request on this story to good bye my dudes


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