Oscar x Bea's sister! reader

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This was a request if you look at the one before this one so let's get to it!

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"Bea! I swear if you took my favorite headband-" "(Y/n) it's in the same place where you put your money! You asked me to remind you yesterday!" She yells from her room. "Oh yeah, thanks!" I run over to my closet, well after seeing if someone is looking, and push the wall back and the secret door opens. I walk in and clap my hands, the lights come on to show my chill out room, I'm the only one that knows about it, but back to the task at hand, I walk to my Oscar shrine. He knows about all these pictures, they have both of us in all of them I just put it in a heart shape and with the leftovers I put below the heart. My money is right by one of the pictures along with my headband, I put it on and swim back to the door clap my hands again and then pull on the rope that is a replacement for the doorknob. "(Y/n) come on! Milo and Oscar are already here!" Bea yells from the hall, I swim straight out and meet the gang and as we're going out the door Bea and I say in unison "bye mom! Bye dad! See you later!" And then the door closes.

"You guys ready for the mall?!" I ask happily "yeah!" They all agree, we all start swimming as fast as we could. "I can't wait! This is the only picture I don't have yet!" "(Y/n) why do you only take pictures with Oscar?" Milo asks me. "You know why Milo, you all picked a number between 1 and 10 and Oscar got the exact number" "that's what that was for?" Bea asked making me nod my head. "Okay who's next, who's next?! I need to know!" Milo says as we slow down "it's you Milo, you were one off while Bea was not even close" I say laughing. "Hoottt doogg!" Milo says happily "y-you know (Y/n) this'll be our twentieth picture" "really?! We should make it special! Oh wait we're here" I say stopping myself from walking into the door. "Yeah! Let's do this! It's Finberly's birthday tomorrow soooo" we all go different ways except Oscar and I.

"So what should we get her? I got-" I say digging in my pockets for my money "shoot! I left my money in my room!" "I-It's okay! We can go back and get it and then come straight back!" Oscar says pulling me out the mall by my hand. "Okay, but I'm sorry if we don't get to the mall in time" I say as I start swimming faster. "It's o-okay! (Y/n) I can never be mad at you" Oscar says making me blush but then remember him stuttering while talking with Bea 'he's just a friend, okay he's been liking Bea since at least kindergarten but then he met me in 3rd grade I'm just a close friend' I think to myself when I run to the door. "(Y/n) are you okay?!" "Yea just help me up" I say holding out my hand as mom opens up the door. "(Y/n)! What happened?" I hear her ask so I say "I ran into the door, and now I got a head ache but I'm fine" and grab his hand. "You sure?" Oscar says once I'm up "yes, Oscar wait with them I'll be right back" I say as we both enter.

Third person p.o.v

Oscar was sitting once you got to your room looking through your stuff forgetting where your money actually is. "Hey Oscar want to look at old photos?! La la la la la la" your dad asks Oscar, but once Oscar seen a old picture of cars he yelled "(Y/n)? Oh okay coming!" But you didn't hear but finally realized the money is in the secret room. You push on the door but you accidentally didn't close it all the way, Oscar knocks on the actual door frame  then walks in and closes the door. "(Y/n)... ? Why is there a hole in your closet?" He mumbles to himself then puts his hand on the door accidentally putting too much weight and falls to the floor. You turn around from the shrine "O-Oscar?!" You ask and put the emergency blanket over the shrine. "Woah what is this place?!" He asks looking at you then the blanket. "What's that?" "Nothing, but can you not tell anyone about this? I was the only one who knew" you say looking down. Oscar looks at you then hugs you! He hugs you for the first time, you were surprised but you heard him say "but come on what's under that blanket?" You widen your eyes.

Going to you

"Oscar curiosity killed the cat!" I say in a warning tone "but satisfaction brought it back!" He says in a sing-song tone. Then he gets past me and pulls the blanket down! "It's not what you think!" I yell once it's down. "(Y-Y/n)? D-do you l-like me?!" Then he starts whispering stuff to himself and faints, I look at him he's just laying there. "Well better make it like he was dreaming!" I say and pick him up, bridal style, which is easy but it feels weird. I walk out leaving the light on and close the door and go out a different one to go outside so I won't get questioned by mom and dad. I start going as fast as I can back to the mall and once I'm there I act like he tripped from a taco someone dropped on the ground. "U-Ughh what happened?" He asks sitting up "I tried to tell you before it was too late but you slipped on a taco! Are you okay?!" I ask acting, also sometimes I think I'm better than sis.

"Oh I just had the weirdest dream, you were there and we were in this weird room that's inside your closet! And there was a-" he cut himself off and blushed? "Pffttt a room inside my closet? Why would that be there? And also what was in there?" 'Real smooth me, real smooth' I think with sarcasm. "That wasn't a dream was it?" "Why don't we go back to looking for that birthday present huh?" I ask helping him up. "(Y/n) answer the question! Was that a dream!?" This is the first time he ever yelled at me. I look down and say yes and then go to some store that has clothes, Finberly's favorite store if I remember right. Someone turns me around and I look and see it's Oscar... "I'm so sorry can we just buy the present and-" he hugs me?! "What's w-with the hug?" "(Y/n) I also l-l-like you more than I ever used to like Bea! When we met I won't ever forget it...." I laugh remembering that. "'Hey, hey, hey do you know where my friend went?'" I asked hugging back "'uhhh what do they look like?'" "'Well he has six legs, a bajillion eyes, and he left me somewhere by the monkey bars!'" I say pushing him back a little. "'W-What?! What kinda fish is he?'" "'He's not a fish silly! He's a spider!'" "'I-I think I found h-him'" "'what where?!'" "'Ahhhh!' Oscar yells quieter than he did before and started running in little circles.

"'Wait! He's friendly!' Oscar you should've seen the look on your face though" I say laughing after he stopped. "You should've seen your face when Milo killed it when he was scared!" I look down "well that was a good spider! He never bit me ever!" "Wanna go back to looking for the present?" "Yeah sure" and we walked in the little store hand-in-hand.

-time skip to after getting the present-

"We'll catch up okay?!" "Okay!" Bea and Milo say in unison walking ahead, I put my phone in place and went back to Oscar in front of the mall. Right before it flashed I gently kissed Oscar and he blushed so I bunny eared him while leaning on him a bit. Then the flash went off "I know what I'm doing here tomorrow" I joke putting my phone away laughing. "(Y-Y/n) would you like to go on a date this Friday night?" "I would love to Oscar, last one to catch up with Milo and Bea is a rotten fish egg!" "H-Hey no fair! You got a head start!" I laugh as I ran.

Word count: 1,423

Okay I hope you like this! I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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