Albert x Milo and Oscars! reader

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Not a request, just thought I should update this story

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I stretch as I wake up, it's the first day of summer "hot dawg!" Milo yells and pulls me out of bed "Milo, you woke me up from my best dream ever!" Oscar yells and hits him with a pillow. I laugh and grab the pillow from the floor "well you wrecked our moment!" I say and throw the pillow in his face. We laugh and go upstairs for breakfast "so what're you guys doing for the first day of summer?" Milo looks at me and says "I'm gonna go to this apple convention that's about to open in a bit" I look at Oscar for him to explain. He notices I'm looking and says "I'm going to PuPu Goodtimes with Bea and Jumbo" I look down at my apple and begin to think. That's when I get a text, I grab my phone and then see it's from Albert (A/n A= Albert while Y= You)

A~ hey wanna hang out?

Y~ is it because Jumbo is kinda ditching you for PuPu Goodtimes?

A~ he's going there?

Y~ okay where we gonna go?

A~ movies or the mall?

Y~ the mall, there's a movie theater there and we can go to the pet shop and hold the animals 🐇

A~ okay wanna meet at the park and then walk there?

Y~ totally see ya in 5!

I put my phone away and look at my brothers again, yeah they're my brothers only Bea knows because they can really overprotective. I don't want anyone knowing about us being related, so we agreed that it was better this way and say we're just roommates. Oscar then asks me "who're you texting?" Then Milo decides to say "is it you know whooooo?!" I blush knowing he meant Albert. I may or may not have a crush on Albert and us being siblings we swore to never keep a secret from eachother so I told them. Oscar laughs and says "it is Albert she's blushing!" I roll my eyes and say "well who was texting you last night? Was it Bea?" He blushes and then walks out of the tank. Milo looks to me and says "I better go, have fun!" I wave as he left, and then went out after grabbing my wallet because I have some money in it.

It really doesn't take long to get to the park, when I get there I see Albert waiting on a bench "hey Albert!" I scream catching his attention. He looks up and smiles "hey (Y/n), you ready to go to the mall?" I faked being serious and say "no.... I was born ready!" We laugh and walk together. It's kinda far from the park so I started a conversation "do you like anyone?" 'Gosh darn it why would I ask that?!'

Albert's p.o.v

I blush and think of what to say "um.... y-yesss, do you?" I say kinda slow, she begins blushing too and answers "yeah." I look down and think to myself 'she probably likes Oscar or Milo..... they're like the three musketeers, or three peas in a pod, why should she even think about liking me?' She clears her throat catching my attention. She smiles and says "I didn't think you could blush *pokes his cheek* boop!" I tsk and push her hand away "hey look we're here!" She looks ahead and sees the mall.

Third persons p.o.v

You two walk in and the first thing you see is Milo, you get scared because he accidentally embarrasses you in public. Albert notices your scared expression, but before he could ask what's wrong you push him into the photo booth. Luckily no one was in there and you say "sorry I just really wanted pictures" Albert buys that for now and says "okay, luckily I got a dollar." He puts in the dollar and it says what faces to do, first it was funny so you bunny-eared him and he stuck his tongue out. Next it said to do serious faces, so you both act like you were thinking of taking a test, lastly it said to be best buds. You both thought that'd be easy and you put eachothers arm over the others shoulders, when it took the picture you both went out.

Before you could even grab the picture Steve Jackson comes by and says "oh, hey (Y/n) wanna go to watch a movie? My treat." Yeah he always hits on you, or asks you out but this time he did it in front of Albert which got on his nerves. When you were gonna tell Steve off Albert gets in front of you and says "Steve she's here with me" Steve looks at you and asks "dorks, huh? I'm not that kind of guy, later (Y/n)." Albert looks back at you and sees that you were surprised and when you realized he was looking you tried to think of something to say but nothing came out. "Wanna go to the pet store now?" You break from that silent trance and nod your head, you were thinking if telling him how you feel after you seen him tell the Steve Jackson off.

Back to you

I breathed in and out as we walked in the pet shop and said "Albert there's something I have to tell you..." he looks up at me and asks "what is it?" I swear he's making this harder. I start petting a puppy while saying "Albert, I've known you for a long time and..... I think we shouldn't be friends anymore-" "I knew this would happen! You hate me now because I said that to Steve, right?!" I didn't know what to say, but for some reason I found that funny so I start laughing. He didn't expect that nothing either so he asks "what's so funny?" after I calm down I say "Albert you didn't let me finish! I was gonna say I don't wanna friends anymore because I wanna be more- if you want to that is."

He stays quiet for a good minute, but then hugs me! Of course I immediately hug back and jokingly ask "does that mean yes?" He chuckles. "Only if I can do this" I was about to question but he starts to sweetly kiss me. I slowly melt in, but then he came and ruined everything. "Albert you're kissing my sister!!!" Milo yells and pushes us apart, Albert starts blushing and asks "you're related to Milo and Oscar?!?!?!" I begin laughing nervously and say 



okay I hope I can serve you guys another chapter soon!


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