Milo x Bea's sister! reader

546 10 4

Not requested I'm just bored

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I stretch as I wake up from my slumber and look over at my door because Bea usually walks in to wake me up. I look at the time on my phone "I'm late!" I yell and fall out of bed and I start swimming to my dresser fast grabbing my usual outfit. Then I swim to the bathroom brush my teeth as fast as I could, then grab my regular brush that's always a butt to me. Yep per the norm it got stuck in my hair "ughh I can't deal with this right now!" I yell and swim out and go to grab my bag but mom says "(Y/n) you're-" but I interrupt "I know! I love you mom! Love you dad!" And grab my bag and swim out the door. I am swimming faster than Oscar stutters around Bea, it's so obvious that he likes her but she's to oblivious to figure it out. "Almost there!" I say still swimming then I swim up the steps and then start slowing down once I'm inside so then I won't get detention. 'I just hope those three aren't mad at me... I always promise Milo, Oscar and Bea that I would try to wake up easier but it's hard! I just always hope Milo isn't mad at me. . . He's my best friend, that's all we'll ever be- wait where did that come from?!' I think as I slowly open Mr. Baldwin's class to notice he sleeping.

I look down happily and walk over to my seat between Milo and Oscar, Bea is on the other side of Oscar. I look towards them and was about to apologize but Randy says raising his hand "Oh Mr. Baldwin! (Y/n) is late to class again!" I roll my eyes. "You are such a snitch Randy" I say turning around to him "only because neither you or Bea will go on a date with me" he replies as Mr. Baldwin slammed his hand on my desk making me fall out of my seat because he scared me and the vibration basically shoved me outta my seat. "(Y/n)! How many times are we gonna have this talk?!" I stand up but I'm looking down "I'm sorry Mr. Baldwin, I wish I could control my dreams it's just they keep me asleep for so long I only wake up when they end!" "I see someone learned the no ifs, ands, or buts rule but-" "eh you said it not me" he glared at me and went back to his desk but instructed the class to partner up with someone you don't talk to. "(Y/n) would you-" both boys stop once they notice the other talking. I start looking towards both Randy and Milo as they glared at each other, this is a new one. "Well since you two look like you are about to Randy and Milo you two are partners, so that leaves. . . Oscar and (Y/n)!" I look at Oscar who shrugs his shoulders so I do the same. But you can hear both Randy and Milo growl but Randy says something that only Milo could hear "okay this project is you and your partner have to take care of and egg, if you break it or you don't come back with it then you fail! But if you come back with it perfectly safe then you pass okay come and get your eggs in an orderly fashion" Oscar and I went up first because apparently no one likes the idea.

Even though Oscar and I don't really know each other as much as we both know Milo and Bea this I feel like should be fun! "Okay here's your guys' egg" he says then starts calling up kids. Then the bell rang and we all left, I was walking next to Oscar as we walked to his and Milo's place. Once we get there anyone can just instantly hear yelling from Milo and Randy arguing "what's up with Milo lately?" I ask as we went to their room for quiet "I don't know, ever since he said he liked someone he's been. . . Emotional about her being around other dudes" he tells me rubbing the back of his neck as we sat down. "He... likes someone?" I ask and look down feeling a little betrayed he never told me. "Oh-oh did I say something wrong?!  I'm sorry (Y/n) it-it's just I never really talk to girls about stuff like this" he says but that's all I listened to because he kept on stuttering. "Oscar! It's okay, I just feel bad that he didn't tell me" I say "well if it makes you feel any better I would tell you something like this if I LIKED anyone" I shake my head. "You don't really need to it's obvious! It Bea my sister! Hahaha get it?" I ask playfully punching his arm, he instantly blushes and tries to say it's not true but I still kept nodding yes when he said no.

"Well if you can admit that you like Bea. . . I will tell you who I like" I say looking down embarrassed. "Deal!" He says pointing at me, I breathe in and out and do that a couple more times.

Third person p.o.v

Those two boys finally stopped arguing and heard you and Oscar talking about crushes, Randy was upset at Oscar. He almost jumped and attacked him but Milo held him back when he heard you say you were gonna spill who you liked. "Okay Oscar you just have to promise me that you won't tell anyone! No one should know this! Even I surprised myself when I figured out I liked him! And that was just today!" You say and Oscar says back "I promise! As long as Milo loves apples" Oscar says making Milo smile. "Okay. . . . It's Milo, I just know he likes someone else! It obviously won't be me!" All three boys heard you say that "okay, okay I do like Bea you can't tell her-" "as long as you don't tell Milo!" Then you both shake hands. Milo blushed so Randy wanted payback at Milo so he grabbed the egg and pushed Milo down the stairs. Milo kept on saying 'ow' because the stairs kept poking his eyes and the middle of his back. "Milo?!" You and Oscar ask surprised, but you blush in realization so you hide before he got back up. "Where's (Y/n)?" You hear Milo ask Oscar "brother you shouldn't have eavesdropped!" "I know Oscar but. . . I had to know" you hear Oscar sigh after that.

"(Y/n) come out, Milo wants to tell you something!" Oscar says making you peer you head from Milo's blanket. Milo instantly looks at you and you flinch and hide back under the blanket "(Y/n) I know you're there" he says and gets closer to where you are. "(Y/n) no está aquí" I say in Spanish (Y/n isn't here) Oscar rolls his eyes. "por favor, sal de (Y/n)" Oscar says making you widen your eyes and finally sit up (please come out Y/n) "yeah?" You ask looking at Milo getting close to crying. "(Y/n) you're the best girl I've ever met. . . You're fun, amazing, beautiful, funny, and talented... I just wanted to let you know that I like you too!" Milo says making you cry just a bit. You jumped into his arms and hugged him tight, but when you let go you gently kissed him forgetting everyone, and everything else. So to remember this Randy decides to pinch Milo's arm and he breaks the kiss and screams. So Oscar punches Randy "thanks Oscar you're actually more trusting than I thought you would be... thanks for this talk" you say and hug him. Accidentally making Milo angry Oscar looks up and notices so he clears his throat making you look and notice.

"We'll talk about this later" you say at last laughing, but while you're in your laughing fit Oscar grabs something outta your hair. "Ow! Oscar what the-" you stop mid-sentence because you see your brush in his hand. "I guess I forgot about my brush" you say and nervously laugh while the two brothers laugh.

Word count: 1,378

Okay this is done, so I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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