(Request) Steve Jackson x Sportsy! reader

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Okay here we go! Sorry if you don't like it

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I'm hanging out with Oscar and Milo only because they were my only friends that weren't busy right now. "So what do you guys wanna do?!" Milo asks excited "how about we just watch a movie?" I ask. "No! There's only scary movies on today and they get Milo paranoid!" Oscar says being a grumpy butt. "Okay then DAD what do you suggest?" I ask "what if we go to the school and talk at the football field?" Oscar asks. I blush remembering Steve is there "n-no! Let's just go to the..... mall?" I stuttered! Ughh I hate it when I stutter. "(Y/n) Do you have a crush?!" Milo asks "no! I just don't like sports" I say stubbornly "you? The girl who plays basketball hates sports?" Oscar says 'gosh darn me and playing basketball!' "I just don't like football or lacrosse, especially people who play it except for-" I cover my mouth. "(Y/n) has a cush~ (Y/n) has a crush~" Milo starts singing, I punched his arm and say "I don't want to talk about it" then I left.

I've had a major crush on Steve since 5th grade! But since he is Shellseas ex I couldn't date him without her 'okay'. She hates my guts, I started walking to the football field and noticed Steve practicing lacrosse. He noticed me so I hid under the stands when people got in the way of his vision. When I looked to see if he knows where I went I seen he ran into another player. They both ended up falling and coach Salmons blew the whistle. I put my hands over my mouth 'I did that!' I think running to the gym. I'm almost about to miss my game! "(Y/n) where have you been?!" Mr. Mussels asks me "I'm sorry I got caught up in something" I say as the game begins.

-time skip to close to the end-

This is it! All we have to do is make one more shot! I got the ball and most of the girls came around me. I threw the ball up high distracting them so I ran after it and caught it and was about to slam dunk when I notice Steve was watching! I almost lost focus but Mr. Mussels yells "(Y/n) the hoop!" I look and see the hoop and I barely make it in. Everyone in our high school cheered and the geckos left being upset, the team lifted me up cheering my name and once I get put down someone spills the lemonade all over me! "Hey what was that-" Steve was the one who did that. "Umm I mean, hi" I say and wave. The girls left along with the crowd so it was just me and Steve "hey I seen you out there, nice slam dunk!" He complimented me?! I'm about to faint. 

I think for second "well how about a victory hug!" I say and hug him getting him all wet from lemonade. He tries to push me off "nice one, but can I ask you something" "yeah sure" I say and let go. "I really wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me?" My eyes widen and my mouth drops from what he asked. "Ummm I would love too, but Shellsea wouldn't be-" "(Y/n) who cares what she thinks, she's my ex that means I can go out and you don't have a boyfriend so that means you can go out if you wanted to" I smile from what he says. "Okay then I would love to be your girlfriend Steve" I say and he kisses me softly, I kiss back. But then my phone is going off saying I got a text. "Sorry hold on" I say grabbing out my phone. (Bea= B, You= Y)

B~ hey wanna go to the mall?

Y~ meet you at the school in a minute

I put my phone away "sorry I have to go, see you tomorrow?" "Yeah sure I got nothing to do, I love you (Y/n)" "love ya too Steve" I say and walk out. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Word count: 692

Okay I hope you like it, as always read on my dudes!


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